Class GrammarResource.LinkingTrigger

  extended by org.eclipse.xtext.xtext.GrammarResource.LinkingTrigger
All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static class GrammarResource.LinkingTrigger
extends java.lang.Object
implements IDerivedStateComputer

Triggers the ecore inference as soon as someone wants to access the contents of a GrammarResource.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void discardDerivedState(DerivedStateAwareResource resource)
          is called when the resource is updated.
 void installDerivedState(DerivedStateAwareResource resource, boolean preLinkingPhase)
          callback to do modifications when and before getContents is called the first time on a resource.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public GrammarResource.LinkingTrigger()
Method Detail


public void installDerivedState(DerivedStateAwareResource resource,
                                boolean preLinkingPhase)
Description copied from interface: IDerivedStateComputer
callback to do modifications when and before getContents is called the first time on a resource.

Specified by:
installDerivedState in interface IDerivedStateComputer
resource - - the resource to install derived state on
preLinkingPhase - - whether the call is done in a pre-linking phase. During this phase clients may not do linking which relies on indexed information, because the index might not be fully computed yet.


public void discardDerivedState(DerivedStateAwareResource resource)
Description copied from interface: IDerivedStateComputer
is called when the resource is updated. Clients should revert all the changes they did during #installDerivedState(DerivedStateSupportingResource)

Specified by:
discardDerivedState in interface IDerivedStateComputer