Package org.eclipse.xtext

Interface Summary
AbstractElement A representation of the model object 'Abstract Element'.
AbstractMetamodelDeclaration A representation of the model object 'Abstract Metamodel Declaration'.
AbstractNegatedToken A representation of the model object 'Abstract Negated Token'.
AbstractRule A representation of the model object 'Abstract Rule'.
Action A representation of the model object 'Action'.
Alternatives A representation of the model object 'Alternatives'.
Assignment A representation of the model object 'Assignment'.
CharacterRange A representation of the model object 'Character Range'.
CompoundElement A representation of the model object 'Compound Element'.
CrossReference A representation of the model object 'Cross Reference'.
EnumLiteralDeclaration A representation of the model object 'Enum Literal Declaration'.
EnumRule A representation of the model object 'Enum Rule'.
EOF A representation of the model object 'EOF'.
GeneratedMetamodel A representation of the model object 'Generated Metamodel'.
Grammar A representation of the model object 'Grammar'.
Group A representation of the model object 'Group'.
IGrammarAccess TODO Javadoc
IGrammarAccess.IAbstractRuleAccess TODO can we use generics instead of inheritance?
ISetup TODO document me!
Keyword A representation of the model object 'Keyword'.
NegatedToken A representation of the model object 'Negated Token'.
ParserRule A representation of the model object 'Parser Rule'.
ReferencedMetamodel A representation of the model object 'Referenced Metamodel'.
RuleCall A representation of the model object 'Rule Call'.
TerminalRule A representation of the model object 'Terminal Rule'.
TypeRef A representation of the model object 'Type Ref'.
UnorderedGroup A representation of the model object 'Unordered Group'.
UntilToken A representation of the model object 'Until Token'.
Wildcard A representation of the model object 'Wildcard'.
XtextFactory The Factory for the model.
XtextPackage The Package for the model.
XtextPackage.Literals Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type

Class Summary
AbstractXtextRuntimeModule Manual modifications go to {org.eclipse.xtext.XtextRuntimeModule}
LanguageInfo Convenient access to language specific information.
XtextRuntimeModule used to register components to be used at runtime.
XtextStandaloneSetup Initialization support for running Xtext languages without equinox extension registry
XtextStandaloneSetupGenerated Generated from StandaloneSetup.xpt!