Interface ISyntaxErrorMessageProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ISyntaxErrorMessageProvider

A ISyntaxErrorMessageProvider can be used to customize the error messages that the parser attaches to syntax errors. Implementors should extends the SyntaxErrorMessageProvider rather than implementing the interface directly.

Sebastian Zarnekow - Initial contribution and API
This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.

Nested Class Summary
static interface ISyntaxErrorMessageProvider.IErrorContext
          The error context provides some information about the internal state of the parser when a syntax error occurred.
static interface ISyntaxErrorMessageProvider.IParserErrorContext
          The error context for parser and lexer errors.
static interface ISyntaxErrorMessageProvider.IUnorderedGroupErrorContext
          In case of failed unordered group constraints, an ISyntaxErrorMessageProvider.IUnorderedGroupErrorContext is used.
static interface ISyntaxErrorMessageProvider.IValueConverterErrorContext
          The error context for a particular value conversion issue.
Method Summary
 SyntaxErrorMessage getSyntaxErrorMessage(ISyntaxErrorMessageProvider.IParserErrorContext context)
          Provide the error message for a syntax error.
 SyntaxErrorMessage getSyntaxErrorMessage(ISyntaxErrorMessageProvider.IValueConverterErrorContext context)
          Provide the error message for a value conversion error.

Method Detail


SyntaxErrorMessage getSyntaxErrorMessage(ISyntaxErrorMessageProvider.IParserErrorContext context)
Provide the error message for a syntax error.

a SyntaxErrorMessage.
See Also:
ISyntaxErrorMessageProvider.IParserErrorContext, ISyntaxErrorMessageProvider.IUnorderedGroupErrorContext


SyntaxErrorMessage getSyntaxErrorMessage(ISyntaxErrorMessageProvider.IValueConverterErrorContext context)
Provide the error message for a value conversion error.

a SyntaxErrorMessage.
See Also: