Interface | Description |
CodeGenerationContext |
Provides services for the code generation phase.
CodeGenerationParticipant<T extends NamedElement> |
Annotation processors implementing this interface will be called in the code generation phase, which is called
when Xtend's actual Java code is generated and written to the file system.
RegisterGlobalsContext |
Provides services to be used during register-globals phase.
RegisterGlobalsParticipant<T extends NamedElement> |
Call back to participate in the register-globals phase, where Java types are
TransformationContext |
Services provided during transformation phase
TransformationParticipant<T extends MutableNamedElement> |
A callback interface for the transformation phase, in which the Xtend AST is translated
to the Java elements.
ValidationContext |
Services provided during the validation phase
ValidationParticipant<T extends NamedElement> |
A callback interface for the validation phase.
Class | Description |
AbstractAnnotationTypeProcessor |
A convenient base class to process active annotations for annotation types.
AbstractClassProcessor |
A convenient base class to process active annotations for classes.
AbstractConstructorProcessor |
A convenient base class to process active annotations for constructors.
AbstractEnumerationTypeProcessor |
A convenient base class to process active annotations for enumeration types.
AbstractFieldProcessor |
A convenient base class to process active annotations for fields.
AbstractInterfaceProcessor |
A convenient base class to process active annotations for interfaces.
AbstractMethodProcessor |
A convenient base class to process active annotations for methods.
Annotation Type | Description |
Active |
The active annotation is used to register compilation participants
with annotations.