Class NatExporter

  extended by org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.export.NatExporter

public class NatExporter
extends Object

Constructor Summary
NatExporter(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell shell)
Method Summary
protected  void exportLayer(ILayerExporter exporter, OutputStream outputStream, String layerName, ILayer layer, IConfigRegistry configRegistry)
          Exports the given layer to the outputStream using the provided exporter.
 void exportMultipleNatTables(ILayerExporter exporter, Map<String,NatTable> natTablesMap)
          Export multiple NatTable instances to one file by using the given ILayerExporter.
 void exportSingleLayer(ILayer layer, IConfigRegistry configRegistry)
          Exports a single ILayer using the ILayerExporter registered in the ConfigRegistry.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public NatExporter(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell shell)
Method Detail


public void exportSingleLayer(ILayer layer,
                              IConfigRegistry configRegistry)
Exports a single ILayer using the ILayerExporter registered in the ConfigRegistry.

layer - The ILayer to export, usually a NatTable instance.
configRegistry - The ConfigRegistry of the NatTable instance to export, that contains the necessary export configurations.


public void exportMultipleNatTables(ILayerExporter exporter,
                                    Map<String,NatTable> natTablesMap)
Export multiple NatTable instances to one file by using the given ILayerExporter.

exporter - The ILayerExporter to use for exporting.
natTablesMap - The NatTable instances to export. They keys in the map will be used as sheet titles while the values are the instances to export.


protected void exportLayer(ILayerExporter exporter,
                           OutputStream outputStream,
                           String layerName,
                           ILayer layer,
                           IConfigRegistry configRegistry)
Exports the given layer to the outputStream using the provided exporter. The exporter.exportBegin() method should be called before this method is invoked, and exporter.exportEnd() should be called after this method returns. If multiple layers are being exported as part of a single logical export operation, then exporter.exportBegin() will be called once at the very beginning, followed by n calls to this exportLayer() method, and finally followed by exporter.exportEnd().

exporter -
outputStream -
layerName -
layer -
configRegistry -

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