Class MoveSelectionCommandHandler<T extends MoveSelectionCommand>

  extended by org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.selection.MoveSelectionCommandHandler<T>
Type Parameters:
T - The type of the ILayerCommand this ILayerCommandHandler handles. Needs to be a MoveSelectionCommand or subtype.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class MoveSelectionCommandHandler<T extends MoveSelectionCommand>
extends Object
implements ILayerCommandHandler<T>

Abstraction of the selection behavior during navigation in the grid. Implementations of this class specify what to select when the selection moves by responding to the MoveSelectionCommand.

See Also:
MoveCellSelectionCommandHandler, MoveRowSelectionCommandHandler

Field Summary
protected  ITraversalStrategy horizontalTraversalStrategy
          The strategy to use on horizontal traversal.
protected  SelectionLayer selectionLayer
          The SelectionLayer instance which is needed to perform selection operations.
protected  ITraversalStrategy verticalTraversalStrategy
          The strategy to use on vertical traversal.
Constructor Summary
MoveSelectionCommandHandler(SelectionLayer selectionLayer)
          Create a MoveSelectionCommandHandler for the given SelectionLayer .
MoveSelectionCommandHandler(SelectionLayer selectionLayer, ITraversalStrategy traversalStrategy)
          Create a MoveSelectionCommandHandler for the given SelectionLayer .
MoveSelectionCommandHandler(SelectionLayer selectionLayer, ITraversalStrategy horizontalTraversalStrategy, ITraversalStrategy verticalTraversalStrategy)
          Create a MoveSelectionCommandHandler for the given SelectionLayer .
Method Summary
 boolean doCommand(ILayer targetLayer, T command)
protected  ITraversalStrategy getTraversalStrategy(T command)
          Determines the ITraversalStrategy that should be used to move the selection on handling the given command.
protected abstract  void moveLastSelectedDown(ITraversalStrategy traversalStrategy, boolean withShiftMask, boolean withControlMask)
          Moves the selection from the current position down.
protected abstract  void moveLastSelectedLeft(ITraversalStrategy traversalStrategy, boolean withShiftMask, boolean withControlMask)
          Moves the selection from the current position to the left.
protected abstract  void moveLastSelectedRight(ITraversalStrategy traversalStrategy, boolean withShiftMask, boolean withControlMask)
          Moves the selection from the current position to the right.
protected abstract  void moveLastSelectedUp(ITraversalStrategy traversalStrategy, boolean withShiftMask, boolean withControlMask)
          Moves the selection from the current position up.
protected  void moveSelection(SelectionLayer.MoveDirectionEnum moveDirection, ITraversalStrategy traversalStrategy, boolean withShiftMask, boolean withControlMask)
          Moves the selection from the current position into the given move direction.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.command.ILayerCommandHandler

Field Detail


protected final SelectionLayer selectionLayer
The SelectionLayer instance which is needed to perform selection operations.


protected final ITraversalStrategy horizontalTraversalStrategy
The strategy to use on horizontal traversal. Specifies the behavior when the movement reaches a border.


protected final ITraversalStrategy verticalTraversalStrategy
The strategy to use on vertical traversal. Specifies the behavior when the movement reaches a border.

Constructor Detail


public MoveSelectionCommandHandler(SelectionLayer selectionLayer)
Create a MoveSelectionCommandHandler for the given SelectionLayer . Uses the ITraversalStrategy.AXIS_TRAVERSAL_STRATEGY as default strategy for selection movement.

selectionLayer - The SelectionLayer on which the selection should be performed.


public MoveSelectionCommandHandler(SelectionLayer selectionLayer,
                                   ITraversalStrategy traversalStrategy)
Create a MoveSelectionCommandHandler for the given SelectionLayer .

selectionLayer - The SelectionLayer on which the selection should be performed.
traversalStrategy - The strategy that should be used for selection movements. Can not be null.


public MoveSelectionCommandHandler(SelectionLayer selectionLayer,
                                   ITraversalStrategy horizontalTraversalStrategy,
                                   ITraversalStrategy verticalTraversalStrategy)
Create a MoveSelectionCommandHandler for the given SelectionLayer .

selectionLayer - The SelectionLayer on which the selection should be performed.
horizontalTraversalStrategy - The strategy that should be used for horizontal selection movements. Can not be null.
verticalTraversalStrategy - The strategy that should be used for vertical selection movements. Can not be null.
Method Detail


public boolean doCommand(ILayer targetLayer,
                         T command)
Specified by:
doCommand in interface ILayerCommandHandler<T extends MoveSelectionCommand>
targetLayer - the target layer
command - the command
true if the command has been handled, false otherwise


protected ITraversalStrategy getTraversalStrategy(T command)
Determines the ITraversalStrategy that should be used to move the selection on handling the given command. The strategy is determined in the following way:
  1. Return the ITraversalStrategy carried by the command
  2. If it doesn't contain a ITraversalStrategy but a carries a dedicated step count, create a temporary ITraversalStrategy that is configured with the locally configured ITraversalStrategy but returns the step count carried by the command.
  3. If the command doesn't carry a ITraversalStrategy and no dedicated step count, the ITraversalStrategy registered with this command handler is returned.

command - The current handled command.
The ITraversalStrategy that should be used to move the selection. null for SelectionLayer.MoveDirectionEnum.NONE.


protected void moveSelection(SelectionLayer.MoveDirectionEnum moveDirection,
                             ITraversalStrategy traversalStrategy,
                             boolean withShiftMask,
                             boolean withControlMask)
Moves the selection from the current position into the given move direction.

moveDirection - The direction to move to.
traversalStrategy - the traversal strategy to determine the number of steps to move and the behavior on moving over the border
withShiftMask - boolean flag to indicate whether the shift key modifier is enabled or not
withControlMask - boolean flag to indicate whether the control key modifier is enabled or not


protected abstract void moveLastSelectedRight(ITraversalStrategy traversalStrategy,
                                              boolean withShiftMask,
                                              boolean withControlMask)
Moves the selection from the current position to the right.

traversalStrategy - the traversal strategy to determine the number of steps to move and the behavior on moving over the border
withShiftMask - boolean flag to indicate whether the shift key modifier is enabled or not
withControlMask - boolean flag to indicate whether the control key modifier is enabled or not


protected abstract void moveLastSelectedLeft(ITraversalStrategy traversalStrategy,
                                             boolean withShiftMask,
                                             boolean withControlMask)
Moves the selection from the current position to the left.

traversalStrategy - the traversal strategy to determine the number of steps to move and the behavior on moving over the border
withShiftMask - boolean flag to indicate whether the shift key modifier is enabled or not
withControlMask - boolean flag to indicate whether the control key modifier is enabled or not


protected abstract void moveLastSelectedUp(ITraversalStrategy traversalStrategy,
                                           boolean withShiftMask,
                                           boolean withControlMask)
Moves the selection from the current position up.

traversalStrategy - the traversal strategy to determine the number of steps to move and the behavior on moving over the border
withShiftMask - boolean flag to indicate whether the shift key modifier is enabled or not
withControlMask - boolean flag to indicate whether the control key modifier is enabled or not


protected abstract void moveLastSelectedDown(ITraversalStrategy traversalStrategy,
                                             boolean withShiftMask,
                                             boolean withControlMask)
Moves the selection from the current position down.

traversalStrategy - the traversal strategy to determine the number of steps to move and the behavior on moving over the border
withShiftMask - boolean flag to indicate whether the shift key modifier is enabled or not
withControlMask - boolean flag to indicate whether the control key modifier is enabled or not

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