Class AbstractHeaderMenuConfiguration

  extended by org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.config.AbstractUiBindingConfiguration
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class AbstractHeaderMenuConfiguration
extends AbstractUiBindingConfiguration

Abstract implementation for adding header menus to a NatTable. There will be header menus attached to the column header, the row header and the corner region. By default empty menus will be attached, which will result in not showing a menu. On creating a specialized header menu configuration you can choose for which header region you want to add a menu.

Field Summary
protected  org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Menu colHeaderMenu
          The column header menu.
protected  org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Menu cornerMenu
          The corner region menu
protected  org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Menu rowHeaderMenu
          The row header menu
Constructor Summary
AbstractHeaderMenuConfiguration(NatTable natTable)
          Creates a header menu configuration that attaches menus to the row header, the column header and the corner region.
Method Summary
 void configureUiBindings(UiBindingRegistry uiBindingRegistry)
          Configure NatTable's IConfigRegistry upon receiving this call back A mechanism to customize key/mouse bindings.
protected  PopupMenuBuilder createColumnHeaderMenu(NatTable natTable)
          Creates the PopupMenuBuilder for the column header menu with the menu items that should be added to the menu.
protected  PopupMenuBuilder createCornerMenu(NatTable natTable)
          Creates the PopupMenuBuilder for the corner menu with the menu items that should be added to the menu.
protected  PopupMenuBuilder createRowHeaderMenu(NatTable natTable)
          Creates the PopupMenuBuilder for the row header menu with the menu items that should be added to the menu.
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.config.AbstractUiBindingConfiguration
configureLayer, configureRegistry
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Menu colHeaderMenu
The column header menu.


protected org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Menu rowHeaderMenu
The row header menu


protected org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Menu cornerMenu
The corner region menu

Constructor Detail


public AbstractHeaderMenuConfiguration(NatTable natTable)
Creates a header menu configuration that attaches menus to the row header, the column header and the corner region.

Method Detail


protected PopupMenuBuilder createColumnHeaderMenu(NatTable natTable)
Creates the PopupMenuBuilder for the column header menu with the menu items that should be added to the menu.

natTable - The NatTable where the menu should be attached.
The PopupMenuBuilder that is used to build the column header menu.


protected PopupMenuBuilder createRowHeaderMenu(NatTable natTable)
Creates the PopupMenuBuilder for the row header menu with the menu items that should be added to the menu.

natTable - The NatTable where the menu should be attached.
The PopupMenuBuilder that is used to build the row header menu.


protected PopupMenuBuilder createCornerMenu(NatTable natTable)
Creates the PopupMenuBuilder for the corner menu with the menu items that should be added to the menu.

natTable - The NatTable where the menu should be attached.
The PopupMenuBuilder that is used to build the corner menu.


public void configureUiBindings(UiBindingRegistry uiBindingRegistry)
Description copied from interface: IConfiguration
Configure NatTable's IConfigRegistry upon receiving this call back A mechanism to customize key/mouse bindings.

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