Class Torrent

  extended by org.eclipse.ecf.protocol.bittorrent.Torrent

public class Torrent
extends java.lang.Object

The Torrent class is used for hooking onto a TorrentFile so that pieces can be exchanged with peers.

Method Summary
 void addHashCheckListener(IHashCheckListener listener)
          Adds the specified listener to the collection of listeners for this torrent if it is not already contained.
 void addPieceProgressListener(IPieceProgressListener listener)
          Adds the specified listener to the collection of listeners for this torrent if it is not already contained.
 void addTorrentErrorListener(ITorrentErrorListener listener)
          Adds the specified listener to the collection of listeners for this torrent if it is not already contained.
 void addTorrentProgressListener(ITorrentProgressListener listener)
          Adds the specified listener to the collection of listeners for this torrent if it is not already contained.
 void addTorrentStateListener(ITorrentStateListener listener)
          Adds the specified listener to the collection of listeners for this torrent if it is not already contained.
 boolean delete()
          Removes all information pertaining to the opened torrent in addition to removing the target that has been set for downloading or seeding.
 int getConnectedPeers()
          Retrieves the number of peers that connections have been created for thus far.
 long getDiscarded()
          Retrieves the amount of data that has been discarded thus far.
 long getDownloaded()
          Retrieves the amount that has been downloaded thus far since the original call to start().
 long getDownSpeed()
          Gets the downloading speed as calculated over a twenty second rolling average.
 int getPeers()
          Returns the total number of peers that are attempting to download this torrent.
 long getRemaining()
          Retreives the number of bytes that are required to complete the download.
 int getSeeds()
          Returns the number of seeds that are currently assisting with the distribution.
 int getState()
          Retrieves the current state in which this torrent is currently in.
 long getTimeRemaining()
          Retrieves the time in seconds that are remaining for this download to complete.
 TorrentFile getTorrentFile()
          Retrieves the torrent file that was used to create this torrent.
 long getUploaded()
          Returns the number of bytes that has been uploaded to peers thus far since calling start().
 long getUpSpeed()
          Retrieves the uploading speed per calculations over a twenty second rolling average.
 boolean performHashCheck()
          Performs a hash check on all pieces for this torrnet in a separate thread.
 void remove()
          Removes all previously saved status and configuration information regarding the opened torrent.
 boolean removeHashCheckListener(IHashCheckListener listener)
          Removes the specified listener so that it will no longer be notified of pieces have completed the hash checking process.
 boolean removePieceProgressListener(IPieceProgressListener listener)
          Removes the specified listener so that it will no longer be notified of a piece having downloaded some additional bytes.
 boolean removeTorrentErrorListener(ITorrentErrorListener listener)
          Removes the specified listener so that it will no longer be notified of errors.
 boolean removeTorrentProgressListener(ITorrentProgressListener listener)
          Removes the specified listener so that it will no longer be notified when pieces has been completed.
 boolean removeTorrentStateListener(ITorrentStateListener listener)
          Removes the specified listener so that it will no longer be notified of state updates.
 void setFilesToDownload(int[] downloadChoices)
          Setup file download priority levels and whether a file should even be downloaded at all.
 void setMaxConnections(int maxConnections)
          Sets the maximum number of connections that this torrent should attempt to connect to.
 void setMaxDownloadSpeed(long maximum)
          Sets the maximum number of bytes to download per second from peers.
 void setMaxUploadSpeed(long maximum)
          Sets the maximum number of bytes to upload per second to peers.
 void start()
          Contacts the tracker to begin exchanging pieces with any peers that are found.
 void stop()
          Stops downloading, seeding, or the hash checking process for this torrent.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public void start()
Contacts the tracker to begin exchanging pieces with any peers that are found.

Throws: - If an error occurs while querying the tracker or connecting to one of the provided peers


public void stop()
Stops downloading, seeding, or the hash checking process for this torrent. It is crucial that this method be called for termination as it will perform clean-up on lingering threads that are performing background operations.

Throws: - If an IOException occurred while informing the tracker that the client is stopping


public void remove()
Removes all previously saved status and configuration information regarding the opened torrent. This will call stop() prior to the deletion of the files.


public boolean delete()
Removes all information pertaining to the opened torrent in addition to removing the target that has been set for downloading or seeding.

true if the target file or directory has been deleted successfully, false otherwise


public boolean performHashCheck()
Performs a hash check on all pieces for this torrnet in a separate thread. This may not necessarily run if the torrent is currently performing other actions. The returned value will indicate whether the hash check is being performed or not.

true if the torrent will begin performing hash check on its pieces on a separate thread or is already running a hash check, false if the torrent is currently performing other operations and is unable to run a hash check


public void addTorrentStateListener(ITorrentStateListener listener)
                             throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Adds the specified listener to the collection of listeners for this torrent if it is not already contained. The listener will be notified of the changes of the current state of the torrent's activity. The event's state will correspond to the value returned from getState().

listener - the listener to notify
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If listener is null


public void addTorrentProgressListener(ITorrentProgressListener listener)
                                throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Adds the specified listener to the collection of listeners for this torrent if it is not already contained. The listener will be notified when another piece has been completed by verifying it against a hash sum.

listener - the listener to notify
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If listener is null


public void addPieceProgressListener(IPieceProgressListener listener)
                              throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Adds the specified listener to the collection of listeners for this torrent if it is not already contained. The listener will be notified when a piece has downloaded some amount of additional bytes.

listener - the listener to notify
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If listener is null


public void addHashCheckListener(IHashCheckListener listener)
Adds the specified listener to the collection of listeners for this torrent if it is not already contained. The listener will be notified when a piece has successfully completed its hash check.

listener - the listener to notify
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If listener is null


public void addTorrentErrorListener(ITorrentErrorListener listener)
                             throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Adds the specified listener to the collection of listeners for this torrent if it is not already contained. The listener will be notified when errors such as tracker failures or hash check failures occurs.

listener - the listener to notify
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If listener is null


public boolean removeTorrentStateListener(ITorrentStateListener listener)
Removes the specified listener so that it will no longer be notified of state updates.

listener - the listener to remove
true if one such listener was removed, false otherwise


public boolean removeTorrentProgressListener(ITorrentProgressListener listener)
Removes the specified listener so that it will no longer be notified when pieces has been completed.

listener - the listener to remove
true if one such listener was removed, false otherwise


public boolean removePieceProgressListener(IPieceProgressListener listener)
Removes the specified listener so that it will no longer be notified of a piece having downloaded some additional bytes.

listener - the listener to remove
true if one such listener was removed, false otherwise


public boolean removeHashCheckListener(IHashCheckListener listener)
Removes the specified listener so that it will no longer be notified of pieces have completed the hash checking process.

listener - the listener to remove
true if one such listener was removed, false otherwise


public boolean removeTorrentErrorListener(ITorrentErrorListener listener)
Removes the specified listener so that it will no longer be notified of errors.

listener - the listener to remove
true if one such listener was removed, false otherwise


public void setMaxConnections(int maxConnections)
                       throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Sets the maximum number of connections that this torrent should attempt to connect to. The default value is set to 50 although 30 peers should already be plenty. This value should not be heightened unless there is a good reason to do so as it will likely cause network congestions.

maxConnections - the maximum number of connections that should be used
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If maxConnections is negative


public void setFilesToDownload(int[] downloadChoices)
Setup file download priority levels and whether a file should even be downloaded at all.

downloadChoices - an integer array which stores a value greater than zero if the file should have a high priority, a value equal to zero if it should have a regular priority, or less than zero if it should not be downloaded at all, the values should correspond to the files returned from TorrentFile's TorrentFile.getFilenames() method
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If downloadChoices is null or if the length of the array is not equal to the number of files for this torrent


public long getDownloaded()
Retrieves the amount that has been downloaded thus far since the original call to start().

the amount of bytes that has been downloaded from peers


public long getUploaded()
Returns the number of bytes that has been uploaded to peers thus far since calling start().

the amount of bytes that has been uploaded to peers


public long getRemaining()
Retreives the number of bytes that are required to complete the download.

the number of bytes left to complete the download


public long getDownSpeed()
Gets the downloading speed as calculated over a twenty second rolling average.

the speed at which bytes are being downloaded from peers


public long getUpSpeed()
Retrieves the uploading speed per calculations over a twenty second rolling average.

the speed at which bytes are being uploaded to peers


public void setMaxDownloadSpeed(long maximum)
Sets the maximum number of bytes to download per second from peers. If maximum is zero or negative, the speed capping limit will be lifted.

maximum - the maximum number of bytes that should be downloaded from peers per second


public void setMaxUploadSpeed(long maximum)
Sets the maximum number of bytes to upload per second to peers. If maximum is zero or negative, the speed capping limit will be lifted.

maximum - the maximum number of bytes that should be uploaded to peers per second


public long getTimeRemaining()
Retrieves the time in seconds that are remaining for this download to complete. If the returned value is -1, the time is unknown. This will be returned when the downloading speed is at 0.

the time remaining in seconds for the download to complete or -1 if the value is not known


public long getDiscarded()
Retrieves the amount of data that has been discarded thus far. This is caused by pieces that has failed the integrity hash check.

the amount of bytes that has been discarded


public int getConnectedPeers()
Retrieves the number of peers that connections have been created for thus far.

the number of connected peers


public int getSeeds()
Returns the number of seeds that are currently assisting with the distribution.

the number of connected seeds, if the value is -1, the tracker does not support the distribution of this information
See Also:


public int getPeers()
Returns the total number of peers that are attempting to download this torrent.

the total number of connected peers on the torrent, if the value is -1, the tracker does not support the distribution of this information
See Also:


public TorrentFile getTorrentFile()
Retrieves the torrent file that was used to create this torrent.

the TorrentFile that initialized this


public int getState()
Retrieves the current state in which this torrent is currently in. This could be any one of the states provided by the ITorrentStateListener interface.

the state that this torrent is currently in
See Also:
ITorrentStateListener.STARTED, ITorrentStateListener.EXCHANGING, ITorrentStateListener.STOPPED, ITorrentStateListener.FINISHED, ITorrentStateListener.HASH_CHECKING