Interface IFileTransfer

All Superinterfaces:
org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable, IIdentifiable
All Known Subinterfaces:
IIncomingFileTransfer, IOutgoingFileTransfer
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractOutgoingFileTransfer, AbstractRetrieveFileTransfer, AbstractUrlConnectionOutgoingFileTransfer, HttpClientRetrieveFileTransfer, HttpClientRetrieveFileTransfer, LocalFileOutgoingFileTransfer, UrlConnectionRetrieveFileTransfer

public interface IFileTransfer
extends org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable, IIdentifiable

File transfer super interface. This interface provides the abstract file transfer semantics for both IOutgoingFileTransfer and IIncomingFileTransfer transfer sub interfaces.

Method Summary
 void cancel()
          Cancel this file transfer.
 java.lang.Exception getException()
          Get any exception associated with this file transfer.
 long getFileLength()
          Return resulting file length (in bytes) for this file transfer instance.
 double getPercentComplete()
          Get the percent complete for this file transfer.
 boolean isDone()
          Return true if this file transfer is done, false if not yet completed.
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.ecf.core.identity.IIdentifiable

Method Detail


void cancel()
Cancel this file transfer. If file transfer has already been completed, then this method has no effect. If the file transfer has not been completed then calling this method will result in an IFileTransferEvent being delivered to the IFileTransferListener indicating that transfer is done (isDone() returns true), and some exception will be made available


double getPercentComplete()
Get the percent complete for this file transfer. The returned value will be either -1.0, meaning that the underlying provider does not support reporting percent complete for this file transfer, or a value between 0 and 1 reflecting the percent complete for this file transfer. If 0.0 no data has been sent, if 1.0, the file transfer is 100 percent complete. The value returned from this method should not be used to determine whether the transfer has completed, as it may not show completion in the event of an transfer failure. Note that the isDone() method should be consulted to determine if the file transfer has completed (with or without error).

double percent complete. Returns -1.0 if the underlying provider does not support reporting percentage complete, or between 0 and 1 to indicate actual percent complete for this file transfer


java.lang.Exception getException()
Get any exception associated with this file transfer. The value returned from this method is valid only if isDone() method returns true. If the file transfer completed successfully, isDone() will return true, and this method will return null. If the file transfer completed unsuccessfully (some exception occurred), then isDone() will return true, and this method will return a non-null Exception instance that occurred.

If the the file transfer was canceled by the user, then the exception returned will be an instance of UserCancelledException.

Exception associated with this file transfer. null if transfer completed successfully, non-null if transfer completed with some exception. Only valid after isDone() returns true.


boolean isDone()
Return true if this file transfer is done, false if not yet completed. The file transfer can be completed successfully, or an exception can occur and the file transfer will have failed. In either case of successful or unsuccessful transfer, this method will return true when the file transfer is complete. To determine whether the transfer completed successfully, it is necessary to also consult the getException() method.

boolean true if file transfer is done, false if file transfer is still in progress.


long getFileLength()
Return resulting file length (in bytes) for this file transfer instance. If the length is not known, -1 will be returned. Note that if a IFileRangeSpecification is provided that the returned file length is the expected file length of just the range retrieved (and not the entire file).
