Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform
Release 1.3

Interface IBrowserHistory

public interface IBrowserHistory

This interface provides methods to use the browser's history for navigating within the application. It is possible to create a history entry at the top of the history stack and to handle a navigation change event.

Note that the browser history exists once per session, so using the IBrowserHistory is only possible within the session context.

This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.


Method Summary
 void addBrowserHistoryListener(BrowserHistoryListener listener)
          Adds a BrowserHistoryListener to the history support.
 void createEntry(String id, String text)
          Creates an entry in the browser history.
 void removeBrowserHistoryListener(BrowserHistoryListener listener)
          Removes a BrowserHistoryListener from the history support.

Method Detail


public void createEntry(String id,
                        String text)
Creates an entry in the browser history.

id - Identifies the entry and should be unique among all entries. It is usually visible for the user within the address bar of the browser. Must neither be null not empty.
text - A text for the user to identify the entry in the browser's UI or null.


public void addBrowserHistoryListener(BrowserHistoryListener listener)
Adds a BrowserHistoryListener to the history support.

listener - the BrowserHistoryListener. Must not be null.


public void removeBrowserHistoryListener(BrowserHistoryListener listener)
Removes a BrowserHistoryListener from the history support.

listener - the BrowserHistoryListener. Must not be null.

Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform
Release 1.3

Copyright (c) Innoopract Informationssysteme GmbH and others 2002, 2011. All rights reserved.