Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform
Release 1.3

Package org.eclipse.rwt.service

Interface Summary
IApplicationStore The IApplicationStore can be used as store for data that spans the lifecycle of a web application instance.
IServiceHandler A service handler can be used to process requests that bypass the standard request lifecycle.
IServiceManager An IServiceManager is responsible to manage existing IServiceHandlers.
IServiceStore The IServiceStore can be used to store and retrieve information during a life cycle request.
ISessionStore The ISessionStore represents a storage place for objects with session scope.
ISettingStore An ISettingStore is a mechanism persisting settings (i.e.
ISettingStoreFactory A setting store factory is responsible for creating and initializing a specific kind of setting store.
SessionStoreListener SessionStoreListeners are used to get notifications before the session store is destroyed.
SettingStoreListener Setting store listeners are notified by an ISettingStore, when an attribute inside the store has been changed (i.e.

Class Summary
FileSettingStore This ISettingStore implementation persists all settings on the file system using Java Properties.
RWTFileSettingStoreFactory ISettingStoreFactory that creates FileSettingStore instances.
SessionStoreEvent SessionStoreListeners are used to get notifications before the session store is destroyed.
SettingStoreEvent A SettingStoreEvent holds information regarding the change of a single attribute inside the setting store.

Exception Summary
SettingStoreException This exception indicated a setting store operation failed to complete normally.

Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform
Release 1.3

Copyright (c) Innoopract Informationssysteme GmbH and others 2002, 2011. All rights reserved.