Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform
Release 1.3
Class MouseTrackAdapter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class MouseTrackAdapter
extends Object
implements MouseTrackListener

This adapter class provides default implementations for the methods described by the MouseTrackListener interface.

Classes that wish to deal with MouseEvents which occur as the mouse pointer passes (or hovers) over controls can extend this class and override only the methods which they are interested in.

See Also:
MouseTrackListener, MouseEvent

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void mouseEnter(MouseEvent e)
          Sent when the mouse pointer passes into the area of the screen covered by a control.
 void mouseExit(MouseEvent e)
          Sent when the mouse pointer passes out of the area of the screen covered by a control.
 void mouseHover(MouseEvent e)
          Sent when the mouse pointer hovers (that is, stops moving for an (operating system specified) period of time) over a control.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MouseTrackAdapter()
Method Detail


public void mouseEnter(MouseEvent e)
Sent when the mouse pointer passes into the area of the screen covered by a control. The default behavior is to do nothing.

Specified by:
mouseEnter in interface MouseTrackListener
e - an event containing information about the mouse enter


public void mouseExit(MouseEvent e)
Sent when the mouse pointer passes out of the area of the screen covered by a control. The default behavior is to do nothing.

Specified by:
mouseExit in interface MouseTrackListener
e - an event containing information about the mouse exit


public void mouseHover(MouseEvent e)
Sent when the mouse pointer hovers (that is, stops moving for an (operating system specified) period of time) over a control. The default behavior is to do nothing.

Specified by:
mouseHover in interface MouseTrackListener
e - an event containing information about the hover

Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform
Release 1.3

Copyright (c) Innoopract Informationssysteme GmbH and others 2002, 2011. All rights reserved.