Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform

Package org.eclipse.rwt.lifecycle

Interface Summary
IEntryPoint An implementation of IEntryPoint represents the main entry point for a RAP application.
IEntryPointFactory Implementations of this interface can be used to register entrypoints with the framework.
ILifeCycle This interface represents the life cycle of a request.
ILifeCycleAdapter A stateless callback handler used by RWT to synchronize the state of the client and the server during the processing of an HTTP request.
IWidgetAdapter Instances of this interface provide RWT specific operations on widgets.
IWidgetLifeCycleAdapter A stateless callback handler used by RWT to synchronize the client-side and server-side state of a widget.
PhaseListener An interface implemented by objects that wish to be notified at the beginning and ending of processing for each standard phase of the request processing lifecycle.

Class Summary
AbstractWidgetLCA Abstract implementation of a widget life cycle adapter.
ControlLCAUtil Utility class that provides a number of useful static methods to support the implementation of life cycle adapters (LCAs) for Controls.
DefaultEntryPointFactory A default entrypoint factory that creates entrypoint instances from a given class.
JSListenerInfo Deprecated. Use IClientObject#listen(String, boolean) instead
JSListenerType Deprecated. Use IClientObject#listen(String, boolean) instead
JSVar Deprecated. As of RAP 1.5, the client-server protocol is based on JSON.
JSWriter Deprecated. This class should not be used anymore as it writes JavaScript to the client which is incompatible with clients other than the default RAP webclient.
PhaseEvent This event is sent to the PhaseListener before and after a lifecycle phase is executed.
PhaseId A type-safe enumeration that represents all standard life cycle phases.
PhaseListenerUtil Utility class that helps to avoid redundant implementations of asking for the lifecycle phase of a given event.
UICallBack A utility class that provides methods to perform tasks related to UI updates from background threads.
WidgetLCAUtil Utility class that provides a number of useful static methods to support the implementation of life cycle adapters (LCAs) for Widgets.
WidgetUtil This is a helper class to obtain different aspects for a widget related to the handling of widgets in RAP.

Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform

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