Eclipse Remote Application Platform

Class AccessibleTextExtendedAdapter

  extended by org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.AccessibleTextAdapter
      extended by org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.AccessibleTextExtendedAdapter
All Implemented Interfaces:
AccessibleTextExtendedListener, AccessibleTextListener

public class AccessibleTextExtendedAdapter
extends AccessibleTextAdapter
implements AccessibleTextExtendedListener

This adapter class provides default implementations for the methods in the AccessibleTextExtendedListener interface.

Classes that wish to deal with AccessibleTextExtended events can extend this class and override only the methods that they are interested in.

See Also:
AccessibleTextExtendedListener, AccessibleTextEvent

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addSelection(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Adds a text selection.
 void getCharacterCount(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns the total number of characters in the text.
 void getHyperlink(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns the specified hyperlink.
 void getHyperlinkCount(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns the number of links and link groups contained within this hypertext paragraph.
 void getHyperlinkIndex(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns the index of the hyperlink that is associated with this character offset.
 void getOffsetAtPoint(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns the offset of the character under the specified point.
 void getRanges(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns the text range(s) contained within the given bounding box.
 void getSelection(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns the character offsets of the specified text selection.
 void getSelectionCount(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns the number of active non-contiguous selections.
 void getText(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns a substring and its range for the given range, count and boundary type.
 void getTextBounds(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns the bounding box(es) of the specified text range in display coordinates.
 void getVisibleRanges(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns the visible text range(s).
 void removeSelection(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Deselects a range of text.
 void scrollText(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Scrolls a specific part of a substring according to the scroll type.
 void setCaretOffset(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Sets the position of the caret.
 void setSelection(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Changes the bounds of an existing selection.
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.AccessibleTextAdapter
getCaretOffset, getSelectionRange
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.AccessibleTextListener
getCaretOffset, getSelectionRange

Constructor Detail


public AccessibleTextExtendedAdapter()
Method Detail


public void addSelection(AccessibleTextEvent e)
Adds a text selection.

Specified by:
addSelection in interface AccessibleTextExtendedListener
e - an event object containing the following fields:
  • [in] start - the 0 based offset of the first character of the new selection
  • [in] end - the 0 based offset after the last character of the new selection
  • [out] result - set to ACC.OK if the text selection was added


public void getCharacterCount(AccessibleTextEvent e)
Returns the total number of characters in the text.

Specified by:
getCharacterCount in interface AccessibleTextExtendedListener
e - an event object containing the following fields:
  • [out] count - the total number of characters


public void getHyperlinkCount(AccessibleTextEvent e)
Returns the number of links and link groups contained within this hypertext paragraph.

Specified by:
getHyperlinkCount in interface AccessibleTextExtendedListener
e - an event object containing the following fields:
  • [out] count - the number of links and link groups within this hypertext paragraph, or 0 if there are none


public void getHyperlink(AccessibleTextEvent e)
Returns the specified hyperlink.

Specified by:
getHyperlink in interface AccessibleTextExtendedListener
e - an event object containing the following fields:
  • [in] index - the 0 based index of the hyperlink to return
  • [out] accessible - the specified hyperlink object, or null if the index is invalid


public void getHyperlinkIndex(AccessibleTextEvent e)
Returns the index of the hyperlink that is associated with this character offset.

This is the case when a link spans the given character index.

Specified by:
getHyperlinkIndex in interface AccessibleTextExtendedListener
e - an event object containing the following fields:
  • [in] offset - the 0 based offset of the character for which to return the link index
  • [out] index - the 0 based index of the hyperlink that is associated with this character offset, or -1 if the offset is not in a link


public void getOffsetAtPoint(AccessibleTextEvent e)
Returns the offset of the character under the specified point.

Specified by:
getOffsetAtPoint in interface AccessibleTextExtendedListener
e - an event object containing the following fields:
  • [in] x - the X value in display coordinates for which to look up the offset of the character that is rendered on the display at that point
  • [in] y - the position's Y value for which to look up the offset of the character that is rendered on the display at that point
  • [out] offset - the 0 based offset of the character under the given point, or -1 if the point is invalid or there is no character under the point


public void getRanges(AccessibleTextEvent e)
Returns the text range(s) contained within the given bounding box.

Partially visible characters are included in the returned ranges.

Specified by:
getRanges in interface AccessibleTextExtendedListener
e - an event object containing the following fields:
  • [in] x - the X coordinate of the top left corner of the bounding box, in display relative coordinates
  • [in] y - the Y coordinate of the top left corner of the bounding box, in display relative coordinates
  • [in] width - the width of the bounding box
  • [in] height - the height of the bounding box
  • [typical out] start - the 0 based offset of the first character of the substring in the bounding box
  • [typical out] end - the 0 based offset after the last character of the substring in the bounding box
  • [optional out] ranges - an array of pairs specifying the start and end offsets of each range, if the text range is clipped by the bounding box


public void getSelection(AccessibleTextEvent e)
Returns the character offsets of the specified text selection.

Specified by:
getSelection in interface AccessibleTextExtendedListener
e - an event object containing the following fields:
  • [in] index - the 0 based index of the selection
  • [out] start - the 0 based offset of first selected character
  • [out] end - the 0 based offset after the last selected character


public void getSelectionCount(AccessibleTextEvent e)
Returns the number of active non-contiguous selections.

Specified by:
getSelectionCount in interface AccessibleTextExtendedListener
e - an event object containing the following fields:
  • [out] count - the number of active non-contiguous selections


public void getText(AccessibleTextEvent e)
Returns a substring and its range for the given range, count and boundary type.

Returns the substring of the specified boundary type that is located count positions from the given character range. Also returns the start and end offsets of the returned substring.

For example, if the boundary type is TEXT_BOUNDARY_WORD, then the complete word that is located count words from the specified range is returned. If count is negative, then return the word that is count words before start. If count is positive, then return the word that is count words after end. If count is zero, start and end are the same, so return the word at start.

The whole text can be requested by passing start == 0 and end == getCharacterCount, TEXT_BOUNDARY_ALL, and 0 for count. Alternatively the whole text can be requested by calling AccessibleControlListener.getValue().

If start and end are valid, but no suitable word (or other boundary type) is found, the returned string is null and the returned range is degenerate (start == end).

Specified by:
getText in interface AccessibleTextExtendedListener
e - an event object containing the following fields:
  • [in] type - the boundary type of the substring to return. One of:
  • [in,out] start - the 0 based offset of first character of the substring
  • [in,out] end - the 0 based offset after the last character of the substring
  • [in,out] count - the number of boundary type units to move to find the substring:
    • in - look count units before start if count < 0, or after end if count > 0. Look at start if count == 0
    • out - the actual number of boundary type units that were moved. This may be fewer than the input count
  • [out] result - the requested substring. This may be empty or null when no appropriate substring is found, or if the type is invalid.


public void getTextBounds(AccessibleTextEvent e)
Returns the bounding box(es) of the specified text range in display coordinates.

Typically, the text range will represent a single character, i.e. end - start = 1, therefore providers should optimize for this case.

Note: The virtual character after the last character of the represented text, i.e. the one at offset getCharacterCount, is a special case. It represents the current input position and will therefore typically be queried by AT more often than other positions. Because it does not represent an existing character its bounding box is defined in relation to preceding characters. It should be roughly equivalent to the bounding box of some character when inserted at the end of the text; its height typically being the maximal height of all the characters in the text or the height of the preceding character, its width being at least one pixel so that the bounding box is not degenerate.

Specified by:
getTextBounds in interface AccessibleTextExtendedListener
e - an event object containing the following fields:
  • [in] start - the 0 based offset of the first character of the substring in the bounding box
  • [in] end - the 0 based offset after the last character of the substring in the bounding box
  • [typical out] x - the X coordinate of the top left corner of the bounding box of the specified substring
  • [typical out] y - the Y coordinate of the top left corner of the bounding box of the specified substring
  • [typical out] width - the width of the bounding box of the specified substring
  • [typical out] height - the height of the bounding box of the specified substring
  • [optional out] rectangles - a set of disjoint bounding rectangles, if the specified text range includes partial lines


public void getVisibleRanges(AccessibleTextEvent e)
Returns the visible text range(s).

Partially visible characters are included in the returned ranges.

Specified by:
getVisibleRanges in interface AccessibleTextExtendedListener
e - an event object containing the following fields:
  • [typical out] start - the 0 based offset of the first character of the visible substring
  • [typical out] end - the 0 based offset after the last character of the visible substring
  • [optional out] ranges - an array of pairs specifying the start and end offsets of each range, if the visible text range is clipped


public void removeSelection(AccessibleTextEvent e)
Deselects a range of text.

Specified by:
removeSelection in interface AccessibleTextExtendedListener
e - an event object containing the following fields:
  • [in] index - the 0 based index of selection to remove
  • [out] result - set to ACC.OK if the range of text was deselected


public void scrollText(AccessibleTextEvent e)
Scrolls a specific part of a substring according to the scroll type.

Specified by:
scrollText in interface AccessibleTextExtendedListener
e - an event object containing the following fields:


public void setCaretOffset(AccessibleTextEvent e)
Sets the position of the caret.

The caret position is that of the character logically following it, e.g. to the right of it in a left to right language. The caret is actually placed to the leading side of the character with that offset. An offset of 0 places the caret so that the next insertion goes before the first character. An offset of getCharacterCount places the caret so that the next insertion goes after the last character.

Setting the caret position may or may not alter the current selection. A change of the selection is notified to the accessibility event listeners with an EVENT_TEXT_SELECTION_CHANGED event.

When the new caret position differs from the old one, this is notified to the accessibility event listeners with an EVENT_TEXT_CARET_MOVED event.

Specified by:
setCaretOffset in interface AccessibleTextExtendedListener
e - an event object containing the following fields:
  • [in] offset - the new offset of the caret
  • [out] result - set to ACC.OK if the caret position was set


public void setSelection(AccessibleTextEvent e)
Changes the bounds of an existing selection.

Specified by:
setSelection in interface AccessibleTextExtendedListener
e - an event object containing the following fields:
  • [in] index - the 0 based index of the selection to change
  • [in] start - the new 0 based offset of the first character of the selection
  • [in] end - the new 0 based offset after the last character of the selection
  • [out] result - set to ACC.OK if the selection was set

Eclipse Remote Application Platform

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