Eclipse Remote Application Platform

Uses of Class

Packages that use ByteArrayTransfer

Uses of ByteArrayTransfer in org.eclipse.swt.dnd

Subclasses of ByteArrayTransfer in org.eclipse.swt.dnd
 class FileTransfer
          The class FileTransfer provides a platform specific mechanism for converting a list of files represented as a java String[] to a platform specific representation of the data and vice versa.
 class HTMLTransfer
          The class HTMLTransfer provides a platform specific mechanism for converting text in HTML format represented as a java String to a platform specific representation of the data and vice versa.
 class ImageTransfer
          The class ImageTransfer provides a platform specific mechanism for converting an Image represented as a java ImageData to a platform specific representation of the data and vice versa.
 class RTFTransfer
          The class RTFTransfer provides a platform specific mechanism for converting text in RTF format represented as a java String to a platform specific representation of the data and vice versa.
 class TextTransfer
          The class TextTransfer provides a platform specific mechanism for converting plain text represented as a java String to a platform specific representation of the data and vice versa.
 class URLTransfer
          The class URLTransfer provides a platform specific mechanism for converting text in URL format represented as a java String to a platform specific representation of the data and vice versa.

Eclipse Remote Application Platform

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