Eclipse Remote Application Platform

Uses of Class

Packages that use Font   

Uses of Font in

Methods in that return Font
static Font Graphics.getFont(FontData data)
          Deprecated. Factory created resources are obsolete and will be removed in a future release. Use the constructor Font(Device, FontData) instead.
static Font Graphics.getFont(java.lang.String name, int height, int style)
          Deprecated. Factory created resources are obsolete and will be removed in a future release. Use the constructor Font(Device, String, int, int) instead.

Methods in with parameters of type Font
static float Graphics.getAvgCharWidth(Font font)
          Deprecated. Application code should not need to use this method. If you need an average character width, you can use GC.stringExtent(String) with a string of your choice and calculate the average width.
static int Graphics.getCharHeight(Font font)
          Deprecated. Application code should not need to use this method. If you need this information, you can use GC.stringExtent(String) with a string of your choice and get the height of the result.
static Point Graphics.stringExtent(Font font, java.lang.String string)
          Deprecated. You can use SWT API to measure a string. Create a GC, set the font, and measure the string using GC.stringExtent(String). Don't forget to dispose the GC afterwards.
static Point Graphics.textExtent(Font font, java.lang.String string, int wrapWidth)
          Deprecated. In most cases, you can use SWT API to measure texts. Create a GC, set the font, and measure the text using GC.textExtent(String). Don't forget to dispose the GC afterwards.

Uses of Font in org.eclipse.rap.rwt.lifecycle

Methods in org.eclipse.rap.rwt.lifecycle with parameters of type Font
static void WidgetLCAUtil.preserveFont(Widget widget, Font font)
          Preserves the value of the property font of the specified widget.
static void WidgetLCAUtil.renderFont(Widget widget, Font font)
          Determines whether the property font of the given widget has changed during the processing of the current request and if so, writes JavaScript code to the response that updates the client-side font property of the specified widget.
static void WidgetLCAUtil.renderProperty(Widget widget, java.lang.String property, Font[] newValue, Font[] defaultValue)
          Determines whether the property of the given widget has changed during the processing of the current request and if so, writes a protocol message to the response that updates the client-side property of the specified widget.
static void WidgetLCAUtil.renderProperty(Widget widget, java.lang.String property, Font[] newValue, Font[] defaultValue)
          Determines whether the property of the given widget has changed during the processing of the current request and if so, writes a protocol message to the response that updates the client-side property of the specified widget.

Uses of Font in org.eclipse.rap.rwt.theme

Methods in org.eclipse.rap.rwt.theme that return Font
 Font ControlThemeAdapter.getFont(Control control)
          Returns the default font that the specified control will use to paint textual information when no user-defined font has been set using Control.setFont(Font).

Uses of Font in org.eclipse.swt.custom

Methods in org.eclipse.swt.custom that return Font
 Font CTabItem.getFont()
          Returns the font that the receiver will use to paint textual information.

Methods in org.eclipse.swt.custom with parameters of type Font
 void CLabel.setFont(Font font)
 void CTabFolder.setFont(Font font)
 void CTabItem.setFont(Font font)
          Sets the font that the receiver will use to paint textual information for this item to the font specified by the argument, or to the default font for that kind of control if the argument is null.

Uses of Font in

Methods in that return Font
 Font GC.getFont()
          Returns the font currently being used by the receiver to draw and measure text.
 Font Device.getSystemFont()
          Returns a reasonable font for applications to use.

Methods in with parameters of type Font
 void GC.setFont(Font font)
          Sets the font which will be used by the receiver to draw and measure text to the argument.

Uses of Font in org.eclipse.swt.widgets

Methods in org.eclipse.swt.widgets that return Font
 Font Control.getFont()
          Returns the font that the receiver will use to paint textual information.
 Font TableItem.getFont()
          Returns the font that the receiver will use to paint textual information for this item.
 Font TreeItem.getFont()
          Returns the font that the receiver will use to paint textual information for this item.
 Font TableItem.getFont(int index)
          Returns the font that the receiver will use to paint textual information for the specified cell in this item.
 Font TreeItem.getFont(int index)
          Returns the font that the receiver will use to paint textual information for the specified cell in this item.

Methods in org.eclipse.swt.widgets with parameters of type Font
 void Control.setFont(Font font)
          Sets the font that the receiver will use to paint textual information to the font specified by the argument, or to the default font for that kind of control if the argument is null.
 void DateTime.setFont(Font font)
 void ExpandBar.setFont(Font font)
          Sets the font that the receiver will use to paint textual information to the font specified by the argument, or to the default font for that kind of control if the argument is null.
 void List.setFont(Font font)
 void Table.setFont(Font font)
 void TableItem.setFont(Font font)
          Sets the font that the receiver will use to paint textual information for this item to the font specified by the argument, or to the default font for that kind of control if the argument is null.
 void ToolBar.setFont(Font font)
 void Tree.setFont(Font font)
 void TreeItem.setFont(Font font)
          Sets the font that the receiver will use to paint textual information for this item to the font specified by the argument, or to the default font for that kind of control if the argument is null.
 void TableItem.setFont(int index, Font font)
          Sets the font that the receiver will use to paint textual information for the specified cell in this item to the font specified by the argument, or to the default font for that kind of control if the argument is null.
 void TreeItem.setFont(int index, Font font)
          Sets the font that the receiver will use to paint textual information for the specified cell in this item to the font specified by the argument, or to the default font for that kind of control if the argument is null.

Eclipse Remote Application Platform

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