Eclipse Remote Application Platform

Uses of Class

Packages that use AccessibleHyperlinkEvent

Uses of AccessibleHyperlinkEvent in org.eclipse.swt.accessibility

Methods in org.eclipse.swt.accessibility with parameters of type AccessibleHyperlinkEvent
 void AccessibleHyperlinkAdapter.getAnchor(AccessibleHyperlinkEvent e)
          Returns the anchor for the link at the specified index.
 void AccessibleHyperlinkListener.getAnchor(AccessibleHyperlinkEvent e)
          Returns the anchor for the link at the specified index.
 void AccessibleHyperlinkAdapter.getAnchorTarget(AccessibleHyperlinkEvent e)
          Returns the target of the link at the specified index.
 void AccessibleHyperlinkListener.getAnchorTarget(AccessibleHyperlinkEvent e)
          Returns the target of the link at the specified index.
 void AccessibleHyperlinkAdapter.getEndIndex(AccessibleHyperlinkEvent e)
          Returns the 0 based character offset at which the textual representation of the hyperlink ends.
 void AccessibleHyperlinkListener.getEndIndex(AccessibleHyperlinkEvent e)
          Returns the 0 based character offset at which the textual representation of the hyperlink ends.
 void AccessibleHyperlinkAdapter.getStartIndex(AccessibleHyperlinkEvent e)
          Returns the 0 based character offset at which the textual representation of the hyperlink starts.
 void AccessibleHyperlinkListener.getStartIndex(AccessibleHyperlinkEvent e)
          Returns the 0 based character offset at which the textual representation of the hyperlink starts.

Eclipse Remote Application Platform

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