Eclipse Remote Application Platform

Uses of Class

Packages that use AccessibleTextEvent

Uses of AccessibleTextEvent in org.eclipse.swt.accessibility

Methods in org.eclipse.swt.accessibility with parameters of type AccessibleTextEvent
 void AccessibleTextExtendedAdapter.addSelection(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Adds a text selection.
 void AccessibleTextExtendedListener.addSelection(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Adds a text selection.
 void AccessibleTextAdapter.getCaretOffset(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Sent when an accessibility client requests the current character offset of the text caret.
 void AccessibleTextListener.getCaretOffset(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Sent when an accessibility client requests the current character offset of the text caret.
 void AccessibleTextExtendedAdapter.getCharacterCount(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns the total number of characters in the text.
 void AccessibleTextExtendedListener.getCharacterCount(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns the total number of characters in the text.
 void AccessibleTextExtendedAdapter.getHyperlink(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns the specified hyperlink.
 void AccessibleTextExtendedListener.getHyperlink(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns the specified hyperlink.
 void AccessibleTextExtendedAdapter.getHyperlinkCount(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns the number of links and link groups contained within this hypertext paragraph.
 void AccessibleTextExtendedListener.getHyperlinkCount(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns the number of links and link groups contained within this hypertext paragraph.
 void AccessibleTextExtendedAdapter.getHyperlinkIndex(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns the index of the hyperlink that is associated with this character offset.
 void AccessibleTextExtendedListener.getHyperlinkIndex(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns the index of the hyperlink that is associated with this character offset.
 void AccessibleTextExtendedAdapter.getOffsetAtPoint(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns the offset of the character under the specified point.
 void AccessibleTextExtendedListener.getOffsetAtPoint(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns the offset of the character under the specified point.
 void AccessibleTextExtendedAdapter.getRanges(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns the text range(s) contained within the given bounding box.
 void AccessibleTextExtendedListener.getRanges(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns the text range(s) contained within the given bounding box.
 void AccessibleTextExtendedAdapter.getSelection(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns the character offsets of the specified text selection.
 void AccessibleTextExtendedListener.getSelection(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns the character offsets of the specified text selection.
 void AccessibleTextExtendedAdapter.getSelectionCount(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns the number of active non-contiguous selections.
 void AccessibleTextExtendedListener.getSelectionCount(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns the number of active non-contiguous selections.
 void AccessibleTextAdapter.getSelectionRange(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Sent when an accessibility client requests the range of the current text selection.
 void AccessibleTextListener.getSelectionRange(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Sent when an accessibility client requests the range of the current text selection.
 void AccessibleTextExtendedAdapter.getText(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns a substring and its range for the given range, count and boundary type.
 void AccessibleTextExtendedListener.getText(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns a substring and its range for the given range, count and boundary type.
 void AccessibleTextExtendedAdapter.getTextBounds(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns the bounding box(es) of the specified text range in display coordinates.
 void AccessibleTextExtendedListener.getTextBounds(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns the bounding box(es) of the specified text range in display coordinates.
 void AccessibleTextExtendedAdapter.getVisibleRanges(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns the visible text range(s).
 void AccessibleTextExtendedListener.getVisibleRanges(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Returns the visible text range(s).
 void AccessibleTextExtendedAdapter.removeSelection(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Deselects a range of text.
 void AccessibleTextExtendedListener.removeSelection(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Deselects a range of text.
 void AccessibleTextExtendedAdapter.scrollText(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Scrolls a specific part of a substring according to the scroll type.
 void AccessibleTextExtendedListener.scrollText(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Scrolls a specific part of a substring according to the scroll type.
 void AccessibleTextExtendedAdapter.setCaretOffset(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Sets the position of the caret.
 void AccessibleTextExtendedListener.setCaretOffset(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Sets the position of the caret.
 void AccessibleTextExtendedAdapter.setSelection(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Changes the bounds of an existing selection.
 void AccessibleTextExtendedListener.setSelection(AccessibleTextEvent e)
          Changes the bounds of an existing selection.

Eclipse Remote Application Platform

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