Eclipse Remote Application Platform

Uses of Class

Packages that use Canvas

Uses of Canvas in org.eclipse.rap.rwt.widgets

Subclasses of Canvas in org.eclipse.rap.rwt.widgets
 class FileUpload
          A button-like widget allowing to select a file from the client's file system and to upload this file to a given URL using HTTP POST.

Uses of Canvas in org.eclipse.swt.custom

Subclasses of Canvas in org.eclipse.swt.custom
 class CLabel
          A Label which supports aligned text and/or an image and different border styles.

Uses of Canvas in org.eclipse.swt.widgets

Subclasses of Canvas in org.eclipse.swt.widgets
 class Decorations
          This class was introduced to be API compatible with SWT and does only provide those methods that are absolutely necessary to serve this purpose.
 class Shell
          Instances of this class represent the "windows" which the desktop or "window manager" is managing.

Eclipse Remote Application Platform

Copyright (c) EclipseSource and others 2002, 2013. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0