Eclipse Remote Application Platform | |||||||||
Uses of Control in org.eclipse.rap.rwt.lifecycle |
Methods in org.eclipse.rap.rwt.lifecycle with parameters of type Control | |
void |
AbstractWidgetLCA.doRedrawFake(Control control)
As a side effect to redraw calls some native widgets trigger events like resize for example. |
static void |
ControlLCAUtil.preserveBackgroundImage(Control control)
Preserves the value of the specified widget's background image. |
static void |
ControlLCAUtil.preserveValues(Control control)
Preserves the values of the following properties of the specified control: bounds z-index (except for Shells) tab index tool tip text menu visible enabled foreground background background image font cursor whether ControlListeners are registered whether ActivateListeners are registered whether MouseListeners are registered whether FocusListeners are registered whether KeyListeners are registered whether TraverseListeners are registered whether HelpListeners are registered whether MenuDetectListeners are registered |
static void |
ControlLCAUtil.processEvents(Control control)
static void |
ControlLCAUtil.processKeyEvents(Control control)
static void |
ControlLCAUtil.processMenuDetect(Control control)
Process a HelpEvent if the current request specifies that
there occured a help event for the given widget . |
static void |
ControlLCAUtil.processMouseEvents(Control control)
static void |
ControlLCAUtil.readBounds(Control control)
Reads the bounds of the specified control from the current request and applies it to the control. |
static void |
ControlLCAUtil.renderBackground(Control control)
Determines whether the property background of the given
control has changed during the processing of the current request and if so,
writes a protocol message to the response that updates the client-side
background property. |
static void |
ControlLCAUtil.renderBackgroundImage(Control control)
Determines whether the background image of the given control has changed during the processing of the current request and if so, writes a protocol message to the response that updates the client-side background image property. |
static void |
ControlLCAUtil.renderBounds(Control control)
Determines whether the bounds of the given control have changed during the processing of the current request and if so, writes JavaScript code to the response that updates the client-side bounds. |
static void |
ControlLCAUtil.renderChanges(Control control)
Determines for all of the following properties of the specified control whether the property has changed during the processing of the current request and if so, writes a protocol message to the response that updates the corresponding client-side property. |
static void |
ControlLCAUtil.renderEnabled(Control control)
Determines whether the property enabled of the given control
has changed during the processing of the current request and if so, writes
a protocol message to the response that updates the client-side enabled
property. |
static void |
ControlLCAUtil.renderFont(Control control)
Determines whether the property font of the given control
has changed during the processing of the current request and if so, writes
a protocol message to the response that updates the client-side font property. |
static void |
ControlLCAUtil.renderForeground(Control control)
Determines whether the property foreground of the given
control has changed during the processing of the current request and if so,
writes a protocol message to the response that updates the client-side
foreground property. |
static void |
ControlLCAUtil.renderMenu(Control control)
Determines whether the property menu of the given control
has changed during the processing of the current request and if so, writes
a protocol message to the response that updates the client-side menu
property. |
static void |
ControlLCAUtil.renderToolTip(Control control)
Determines whether the tool tip of the given control has changed during the processing of the current request and if so, writes JavaScript code to the response that updates the client-side tool tip. |
static void |
ControlLCAUtil.renderVisible(Control control)
Determines whether the visibility of the given control has changed during the processing of the current request and if so, writes JavaScript code to the response that updates the client-side visibility. |
Uses of Control in org.eclipse.rap.rwt.theme |
Methods in org.eclipse.rap.rwt.theme with parameters of type Control | |
Color |
ControlThemeAdapter.getBackground(Control control)
Returns the default background color that the specified control will use if no user-defined background color has been set using setBackground(Color) . |
int |
ControlThemeAdapter.getBorderWidth(Control control)
Returns the width of the specified control's border. |
Font |
ControlThemeAdapter.getFont(Control control)
Returns the default font that the specified control will use to paint textual information when no user-defined font has been set using setFont(Font) . |
Color |
ControlThemeAdapter.getForeground(Control control)
Returns the default foreground color that the specified control will use to draw if no user defined foreground color has been set using setForeground(Color) . |
Rectangle |
ControlThemeAdapter.getPadding(Control control)
Returns the padding of the specified control. |
Uses of Control in org.eclipse.rap.rwt.widgets |
Subclasses of Control in org.eclipse.rap.rwt.widgets | |
class |
A button-like widget allowing to select a file from the client's file system and to upload this file to a given URL using HTTP POST. |
Methods in org.eclipse.rap.rwt.widgets that return Control | |
Control[] |
Uses of Control in org.eclipse.swt.accessibility |
Methods in org.eclipse.swt.accessibility that return Control | |
Control |
Returns the control for this Accessible object. |
Methods in org.eclipse.swt.accessibility with parameters of type Control | |
static Accessible |
Accessible.internal_new_Accessible(Control control)
Invokes platform specific functionality to allocate a new accessible object. |
Uses of Control in org.eclipse.swt.browser |
Subclasses of Control in org.eclipse.swt.browser | |
class |
Instances of this class implement the browser user interface metaphor. |
Uses of Control in org.eclipse.swt.custom |
Subclasses of Control in org.eclipse.swt.custom | |
class |
Instances of this class implement a Composite that lays out its children and allows programmatic control of the layout. |
class |
The CCombo class represents a selectable user interface object that combines a text field and a list and issues notification when an item is selected from the list. |
class |
A Label which supports aligned text and/or an image and different border styles. |
class |
Instances of this class implement the notebook user interface metaphor. |
class |
The SashForm is a composite control that lays out its children in a row or column arrangement (as specified by the orientation) and places a Sash between each child. |
class |
A ScrolledComposite provides scrollbars and will scroll its content when the user uses the scrollbars. |
class |
Instances of this class implement a Composite that positions and sizes children and allows programmatic control of layout and border parameters. |
Fields in org.eclipse.swt.custom declared as Control | |
Control |
topControl the Control that is displayed at the top of the stack. |
Methods in org.eclipse.swt.custom that return Control | |
Control |
Returns the Control that appears on the bottom side of the banner. |
Control[] |
Control |
Get the content that is being scrolled. |
Control |
Returns the content area. |
Control |
Gets the control that is displayed in the content area of the tab item. |
Control |
Returns the Control that is displayed above the composite being edited. |
Control |
Returns the Control that appears on the left side of the banner. |
Control |
Answer the control that currently is maximized in the SashForm. |
Control |
Returns the Control that appears on the right side of the banner. |
Control |
Returns Control that appears in the top center of the pane. |
Control |
Returns the Control that appears in the top left corner of the pane. |
Control |
Returns the control in the top right corner of the tab folder. |
Control |
Returns the control in the top right corner of the pane. |
Methods in org.eclipse.swt.custom with parameters of type Control | |
protected boolean |
StackLayout.flushCache(Control control)
void |
CBanner.setBottom(Control control)
Set the control that appears on the bottom side of the banner. |
void |
ScrolledComposite.setContent(Control content)
Set the content that will be scrolled. |
void |
ViewForm.setContent(Control content)
Sets the content. |
void |
CTabItem.setControl(Control control)
Sets the control that is used to fill the client area of the tab folder when the user selects the tab item. |
void |
ControlEditor.setEditor(Control editor)
Specify the Control that is to be displayed. |
void |
TableEditor.setEditor(Control editor)
void |
TreeEditor.setEditor(Control editor)
void |
TableEditor.setEditor(Control editor,
TableItem item,
int column)
Specify the Control that is to be displayed and the cell in the table that it is to be positioned above. |
void |
TreeEditor.setEditor(Control editor,
TreeItem item)
Specify the Control that is to be displayed and the cell in the tree that it is to be positioned above. |
void |
TreeEditor.setEditor(Control editor,
TreeItem item,
int column)
Specify the Control that is to be displayed and the cell in the tree that it is to be positioned above. |
void |
CBanner.setLeft(Control control)
Set the control that appears on the left side of the banner. |
void |
SashForm.setMaximizedControl(Control control)
Specify the control that should take up the entire client area of the SashForm. |
void |
CBanner.setRight(Control control)
Set the control that appears on the right side of the banner. |
void |
ViewForm.setTopCenter(Control topCenter)
Set the control that appears in the top center of the pane. |
void |
ViewForm.setTopLeft(Control c)
Set the control that appears in the top left corner of the pane. |
void |
CTabFolder.setTopRight(Control control)
Set the control that appears in the top right corner of the tab folder. |
void |
ViewForm.setTopRight(Control c)
Set the control that appears in the top right corner of the pane. |
void |
CTabFolder.setTopRight(Control control,
int alignment)
Set the control that appears in the top right corner of the tab folder. |
void |
ScrolledComposite.showControl(Control control)
Scrolls the content of the receiver so that the control is visible. |
Uses of Control in org.eclipse.swt.dnd |
Methods in org.eclipse.swt.dnd that return Control | |
Control |
Returns the Control which is registered for this DragSource. |
Control |
Returns the Control which is registered for this DragSourceEffect. |
Control |
Returns the Control which is registered for this DropTarget. |
Control |
Returns the Control which is registered for this DropTargetEffect. |
Constructors in org.eclipse.swt.dnd with parameters of type Control | |
DragSource(Control control,
int style)
Creates a new DragSource to handle dragging from the specified Control . |
DragSourceEffect(Control control)
Creates a new DragSourceEffect to handle drag effect from the specified Control . |
DropTarget(Control control,
int style)
Creates a new DropTarget to allow data to be dropped on the specified
Control . |
DropTargetEffect(Control control)
Creates a new DropTargetEffect to handle the drag under effect on the specified
Control . |
Uses of Control in org.eclipse.swt.layout |
Fields in org.eclipse.swt.layout declared as Control | |
Control |
control specifies the control to which the control side is attached. |
Methods in org.eclipse.swt.layout with parameters of type Control | |
protected boolean |
FillLayout.flushCache(Control control)
protected boolean |
FormLayout.flushCache(Control control)
protected boolean |
GridLayout.flushCache(Control control)
protected boolean |
RowLayout.flushCache(Control control)
Constructors in org.eclipse.swt.layout with parameters of type Control | |
FormAttachment(Control control)
Constructs a new instance of this class given a control. |
FormAttachment(Control control,
int offset)
Constructs a new instance of this class given a control and an offset. |
FormAttachment(Control control,
int offset,
int alignment)
Constructs a new instance of this class given a control, an offset and an alignment. |
Uses of Control in org.eclipse.swt.widgets |
Subclasses of Control in org.eclipse.swt.widgets | |
class |
Instances of this class represent a selectable user interface object that issues notification when pressed and released. |
class |
Instances of this class provide a surface for drawing arbitrary graphics. |
class |
Instances of this class are controls that allow the user to choose an item from a list of items, or optionally enter a new value by typing it into an editable text field. |
class |
Instances of this class are controls which are capable of containing other controls. |
class |
Instances of this class provide an area for dynamically positioning the items they contain. |
class |
Instances of this class are selectable user interface objects that allow the user to enter and modify date or time values. |
class |
This class was introduced to be API compatible with SWT and does only provide those methods that are absolutely necessary to serve this purpose. |
class |
Instances of this class support the layout of selectable expand bar items. |
class |
Instances of this class provide an etched border with an optional title. |
class |
Instances of this class represent a non-selectable user interface object that displays a string or image. |
class |
Instances of this class represent a selectable user interface object that displays a text with links. |
class |
Instances of this class represent a selectable user interface object that displays a list of strings and issues notification when a string is selected. |
class |
Instances of the receiver represent is an unselectable user interface object that is used to display progress, typically in the form of a bar. |
class |
Instances of the receiver represent a selectable user interface object that allows the user to drag a rubber banded outline of the sash within the parent control. |
class |
Instances of the receiver represent a selectable user interface object that present a range of continuous numeric values. |
class |
This class is the abstract superclass of all classes which represent controls that have standard scroll bars. |
class |
Instances of this class represent the "windows" which the desktop or "window manager" is managing. |
class |
Instances of this class are selectable user interface objects that represent a range of positive, numeric values. |
class |
Instances of this class are selectable user interface objects that allow the user to enter and modify numeric values. |
class |
Instances of this class implement the notebook user interface metaphor. |
class |
Instances of this class implement a selectable user interface object that displays a list of images and strings and issues notification when selected. |
class |
Instances of this class are selectable user interface objects that allow the user to enter and modify text. |
class |
Instances of this class support the layout of selectable tool bar items. |
class |
Instances of this class provide a selectable user interface object that displays a hierarchy of items and issues notification when an item in the hierarchy is selected. |
Methods in org.eclipse.swt.widgets that return Control | |
Control[] |
Returns a (possibly empty) array containing the receiver's children. |
Control |
Returns the control that is associated with the receiver. |
Control |
Returns the control that is shown when the item is expanded. |
Control |
Returns the control that is used to fill the client area of the tab folder when the user selects the tab item. |
Control |
Returns the control that is used to fill the bounds of the item when the item is a SEPARATOR . |
Control |
Returns the control which the on-screen pointer is currently over top of, or null if it is not currently over one of the controls built by the currently running application. |
Control |
Returns the control which currently has keyboard focus, or null if keyboard events are not currently going to any of the controls built by the currently running application. |
Control[] |
Gets the (possibly empty) tabbing order for the control. |
Methods in org.eclipse.swt.widgets with parameters of type Control | |
void |
Composite.changed(Control[] changed)
Clears any data that has been cached by a Layout for all widgets that are in the parent hierarchy of the changed control up to and including the receiver. |
void |
Tree.changed(Control[] changed)
protected boolean |
Layout.flushCache(Control control)
Instruct the layout to flush any cached values associated with the control specified in the argument control . |
void |
Composite.layout(Control[] changed)
Forces a lay out (that is, sets the size and location) of all widgets that are in the parent hierarchy of the changed control up to and including the receiver. |
void |
Composite.layout(Control[] changed,
int flags)
Forces a lay out (that is, sets the size and location) of all widgets that are in the parent hierarchy of the changed control up to and including the receiver. |
Point |
Display.map(Control from,
Control to,
int x,
int y)
Maps a point from one coordinate system to another. |
Rectangle |
Display.map(Control from,
Control to,
int x,
int y,
int width,
int height)
Maps a point from one coordinate system to another. |
Point |
Display.map(Control from,
Control to,
Point point)
Maps a point from one coordinate system to another. |
Rectangle |
Display.map(Control from,
Control to,
Rectangle rectangle)
Maps a point from one coordinate system to another. |
void |
Control.moveAbove(Control control)
Moves the receiver above the specified control in the drawing order. |
void |
Control.moveBelow(Control control)
Moves the receiver below the specified control in the drawing order. |
void |
CoolItem.setControl(Control control)
Sets the control that is associated with the receiver to the argument. |
void |
ExpandItem.setControl(Control control)
Sets the control that is shown when the item is expanded. |
void |
TabItem.setControl(Control control)
Sets the control that is used to fill the client area of the tab folder when the user selects the tab item. |
void |
ToolItem.setControl(Control control)
Sets the control that is used to fill the bounds of the item when the item is a SEPARATOR . |
void |
Composite.setTabList(Control[] tabList)
Sets the tabbing order for the specified controls to match the order that they occur in the argument list. |
Constructors in org.eclipse.swt.widgets with parameters of type Control | |
Menu(Control parent)
Constructs a new instance of this class given its parent, and sets the style for the instance so that the instance will be a popup menu on the given parent's shell. |
Eclipse Remote Application Platform | |||||||||
Copyright (c) EclipseSource and others 2002, 2013. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0