Interface IWeightedTreeSet<N,E,T extends WeightedTree<N>>

Type Parameters:
N - The type of objects represented by each node in the tree
E - The type of elements used to group the trees. If this type extends ITree, then the elements and their associated weighted trees will be grouped in a hierarchical style
T - The type of the tree provided
All Known Implementing Classes:
CallGraph, DifferentialWeightedTreeSet, WeightedTreeSet

public interface IWeightedTreeSet<@NonNull N,E,@NonNull T extends WeightedTree<@NonNull N>>
A structure that keeps elements and their weighted trees together for a given time range or grouping. It is the class that contains the actual data that the IWeightedTreeProvider provides. The tree set contains the data, but a IWeightedTreeProvider object is necessary to describe it, its format, their names, etc.
Geneviève Bastien
  • Method Details

    • getElements

      Collection<E> getElements()
      Get the elements under which are the weighted trees. It can be a single constant element if this treeset does not have the concept of grouping the trees.
      The elements used to group the trees
    • getTreesFor

      Collection<T> getTreesFor(Object element)
      Get the weighted trees for a given element
      element - The element for which to get the trees
      A collection of weighted trees for the requested element
    • getExtraDataSets

      default List<String> getExtraDataSets()
      Return a list of additional data sets' titles. These sets will be available by calling WeightedTree.getExtraDataTrees(int) on the trees, where the index in the list is the parameter that the children set should match
      The title of each child set
    • getTreesForNamed

      default Collection<T> getTreesForNamed(String... elementNames)
      Get the trees for an element with the given string representation. If many names are entered, then it is assumed the elements should be ITrees and the hierarchy is followed
      elementNames - The name(s) of the element to get the trees for. If multiple names are given, then the elements are expected to have a hierarchical relation
      The trees for the given element. If no element with that name is found, an empty collection will be returned