Uses of Interface

Packages that use ThreadPool

Uses of ThreadPool in org.eclipse.jetty.client

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.client that return ThreadPool
 ThreadPool HttpClient.getThreadPool()

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.client with parameters of type ThreadPool
 void HttpClient.setThreadPool(ThreadPool threadPool)

Uses of ThreadPool in org.eclipse.jetty.http.spi

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.http.spi that implement ThreadPool
 class ThreadPoolExecutorAdapter
          Jetty ThreadPool that bridges requests to a ThreadPoolExecutor.

Uses of ThreadPool in org.eclipse.jetty.server

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.server that return ThreadPool
 ThreadPool Server.getThreadPool()
 ThreadPool AbstractConnector.getThreadPool()

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.server with parameters of type ThreadPool
 void Server.setThreadPool(ThreadPool threadPool)
 void AbstractConnector.setThreadPool(ThreadPool pool)

Uses of ThreadPool in org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler that return ThreadPool
 ThreadPool ConnectHandler.getThreadPool()

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler with parameters of type ThreadPool
 void ConnectHandler.setThreadPool(ThreadPool threadPool)

Uses of ThreadPool in org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread

Subinterfaces of ThreadPool in org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread
static interface ThreadPool.SizedThreadPool

Classes in org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread that implement ThreadPool
 class ExecutorThreadPool
          Jetty ThreadPool using java 5 ThreadPoolExecutor This class wraps a ExecutorService as a ThreadPool and LifeCycle interfaces so that it may be used by the Jetty org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server
 class QueuedThreadPool

Uses of ThreadPool in org.eclipse.jetty.websocket

Methods in org.eclipse.jetty.websocket that return ThreadPool
 ThreadPool WebSocketClientFactory.getThreadPool()
          Get the ThreadPool.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jetty.websocket with parameters of type ThreadPool
WebSocketClientFactory(ThreadPool threadPool)
          Creates a WebSocketClientFactory with the given ThreadPool and the default configuration.
WebSocketClientFactory(ThreadPool threadPool, MaskGen maskGen, int bufferSize)
          Creates a WebSocketClientFactory with the specified configuration.

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