Package org.eclipse.jgit.lib

Core API for repository, config, refs, object database.


Interface Summary
AsyncObjectLoaderQueue<T extends ObjectId> Queue to open objects asynchronously.
AsyncObjectSizeQueue<T extends ObjectId> Queue to examine object sizes asynchronously.
AsyncOperation Asynchronous operation handle.
Config.ConfigEnum Converts enumeration values into configuration options and vice-versa, allowing to match a config option with an enum value.
Config.SectionParser<T> Parses a section of the configuration into an application model object.
ProgressMonitor A progress reporting interface.
Ref Pairing of a name and the ObjectId it currently has.
RepositoryCache.Key Abstract hash key for RepositoryCache entries.

Class Summary
AbbreviatedObjectId A prefix abbreviation of an ObjectId.
AnyObjectId A (possibly mutable) SHA-1 abstraction.
BaseRepositoryBuilder<B extends BaseRepositoryBuilder,R extends Repository> Base builder to customize repository construction.
BatchingProgressMonitor ProgressMonitor that batches update events.
BatchRefUpdate Batch of reference updates to be applied to a repository.
BlobBasedConfig Configuration file based on the blobs stored in the repository.
BranchConfig Branch section of a Git configuration file.
BranchTrackingStatus Status of a branch's relation to its remote-tracking branch.
CommitBuilder Mutable builder to construct a commit recording the state of a project.
Config Git style .config, .gitconfig, .gitmodules file.
ConfigConstants Constants for use with the Configuration classes: section names, configuration keys
Constants Misc.
CoreConfig This class keeps git repository core parameters.
EmptyProgressMonitor A convenient base class which provides empty method bodies for all ProgressMonitor methods.
FileMode Constants describing various file modes recognized by GIT.
FileTreeEntry Deprecated. To look up information about a single path, use TreeWalk.forPath(Repository, String, org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevTree).
GitlinkTreeEntry Deprecated. To look up information about a single path, use TreeWalk.forPath(Repository, String, org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevTree).
IndexDiff Compares the index, a tree, and the working directory Ignored files are not taken into account.
InflaterCache Creates zlib based inflaters as necessary for object decompression.
MutableObjectId A mutable SHA-1 abstraction.
NullProgressMonitor A NullProgressMonitor does not report progress anywhere.
ObjectChecker Verifies that an object is formatted correctly.
ObjectDatabase Abstraction of arbitrary object storage.
ObjectId A SHA-1 abstraction.
ObjectIdOwnerMap<V extends ObjectIdOwnerMap.Entry> Fast, efficient map for ObjectId subclasses in only one map.
ObjectIdOwnerMap.Entry Type of entry stored in the ObjectIdOwnerMap.
ObjectIdRef A Ref that points directly at an ObjectId.
ObjectIdRef.PeeledNonTag A reference to a non-tag object coming from a cached source.
ObjectIdRef.PeeledTag An annotated tag whose peeled object has been cached.
ObjectIdRef.Unpeeled Any reference whose peeled value is not yet known.
ObjectIdSubclassMap<V extends ObjectId> Fast, efficient map specifically for ObjectId subclasses.
ObjectInserter Inserts objects into an existing ObjectDatabase.
ObjectInserter.Filter Wraps a delegate ObjectInserter.
ObjectInserter.Formatter An inserter that can be used for formatting and id generation only.
ObjectLoader Base class for a set of loaders for different representations of Git objects.
ObjectLoader.SmallObject Simple loader around the cached byte array.
ObjectReader Reads an ObjectDatabase for a single thread.
ObjectStream Stream of data coming from an object loaded by ObjectLoader.
ObjectStream.Filter Simple filter stream around another stream.
ObjectStream.SmallStream Simple stream around the cached byte array created by a loader.
PersonIdent A combination of a person identity and time in Git.
RefComparator Util for sorting (or comparing) Ref instances by name.
RefDatabase Abstraction of name to ObjectId mapping.
RefRename A RefUpdate combination for renaming a reference.
RefUpdate Creates, updates or deletes any reference.
RefWriter Writes out refs to the Constants.INFO_REFS and Constants.PACKED_REFS files.
Repository Represents a Git repository.
RepositoryBuilder Base class to support constructing a Repository.
RepositoryCache Cache of active Repository instances.
RepositoryCache.FileKey Location of a Repository, using the standard API.
StoredConfig Persistent configuration that can be stored and loaded from a location.
SymbolicRef A reference that indirectly points at another Ref.
SymlinkTreeEntry Deprecated. To look up information about a single path, use TreeWalk.forPath(Repository, String, org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevTree).
TagBuilder Mutable builder to construct an annotated tag recording a project state.
TextProgressMonitor A simple progress reporter printing on a stream.
ThreadSafeProgressMonitor Wrapper around the general ProgressMonitor to make it thread safe.
Tree Deprecated. To look up information about a single path, use TreeWalk.forPath(Repository, String, org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevTree).
TreeEntry Deprecated. To look up information about a single path, use TreeWalk.forPath(Repository, String, org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevTree).
TreeFormatter Mutable formatter to construct a single tree object.
UserConfig The standard "user" configuration parameters.

Enum Summary
CoreConfig.AutoCRLF Permissible values for core.autocrlf.
Ref.Storage Location where a Ref is stored.
RefUpdate.Result Status of an update request.
RepositoryState Important state of the repository that affects what can and cannot bed done.

Package org.eclipse.jgit.lib Description

Core API for repository, config, refs, object database.

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