Interface ITransportConfigAware

All Known Subinterfaces:
InternalAcceptor, InternalChannelMultiplexer, InternalConnector
All Known Implementing Classes:
Acceptor, ChannelMultiplexer, Connector

public interface ITransportConfigAware

A concept that has a transport configuration, typically a channel multiplexer, connector or acceptor.


Method Summary
 ITransportConfig getConfig()
          Returns the current transport configuration if there is one, a new empty one otherwise.
 void setConfig(ITransportConfig config)
          Sets a new transport configuration by copying the given one.

Method Detail


ITransportConfig getConfig()
Returns the current transport configuration if there is one, a new empty one otherwise.


void setConfig(ITransportConfig config)
Sets a new transport configuration by copying the given one.

Copyright (c) 2004 - 2012 Eike Stepper (Berlin, Germany) and others.