CDO Model Repository Client | |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo | Client concepts like CDOObject and CDOState . |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.eresource | The generated EMF API of the CDO repository file system. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.eresource.impl | The generated EMF implementation of the CDO repository file system. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.eresource.util | The generated EMF utilities of the CDO repository file system. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.etypes | The generated EMF API of the CDO system data types and native annotations. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.etypes.impl | The generated EMF implementation of the CDO system data types and native annotations. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.etypes.util | The generated EMF utilities of the CDO system data types and native annotations. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.session | Client concepts for dealing with sessions to CDO repositories. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.session.remote | Client concepts for the communication and collaboration with other sessions. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.transaction | Client concepts for dealing with transactions, distributed transactions and their save points. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.util | Client utility classes, some common interfaces and exceptions. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.view | Client concepts for dealing with views, view sets, queries, CDO objects and EMF resource sets. |
org.eclipse.emf.internal.cdo | Exposes CDOObjectImpl for extension in generated EMF models. |
org.eclipse.emf.spi.cdo | Client service provider interfaces and useful base implementations. |
CDO Model Repository Client Admin Support | |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.admin | Client side of the protocol to administer CDO repositories remotely. |
CDO Model Repository Client Edit Support | |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.edit | Useful base classes that can be referenced from custom EMF generator models. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.eresource.provider | The generated EMF edit support of the CDO repository file system. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.etypes.provider | The generated EMF edit support of the CDO system data types and native annotations. |
CDO Model Repository Client Location | |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.location | Client concepts for dealing with repository locations and checkout sources. |
CDO Model Repository Client Net4j Support | |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.net4j | Client concepts for dealing with Net4j-based sessions to remote repositories. |
CDO Model Repository Client Team Support | |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.team | Concepts to represent and manage projects that are mapped
to CDO repositories by the CDO team provider |
CDO Model Repository Client UI | |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.ui | Reusable UI components specific to the CDO Model Repository. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.ui.widgets | A library with reusable widgets. |
CDO Model Repository Client UI IDE | |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.ui.ide | Reusable UI IDE components specific to the CDO Model Repository. |
CDO Model Repository Client Workspace | |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.spi.workspace | Server provider interfaces (SPI) for CDO workspaces . |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.workspace | Concepts to checkout, open and further operate CDO workspaces . |
CDO Model Repository Client Workspace EFS | |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.workspace.efs | Concepts to deal with the Eclipse File System (EFS) implementation
for CDO workspaces |
CDO Model Repository Common | |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.common | Common concepts that are differently extended in clients and servers. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.common.admin | Common concepts for the protocol to administer CDO repositories remotely. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.common.branch | Common concepts for dealing with branches. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.common.commit | Common concepts for dealing with commits and change sets. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.common.commit.handler | Some useful commit info handler implementations. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.common.id | Common concepts for dealing with object and revision IDs. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.common.lob | Common concepts for dealing with large binary objects and large character objects. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.common.lock | Common concepts for dealing with durable locks and views. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.common.model | Common concepts for dealing with models and types. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.common.protocol | Common concepts for dealing with protocols and CDO-specific I/O. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.common.revision | Common concepts for dealing with revisions and revision lists. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.common.revision.delta | Common concepts for dealing with revision deltas and feature deltas. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.common.security | Common concepts for dealing with permissions and protectable entities. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.common.util | Common utility classes, some common interfaces and exceptions. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.spi.common | Common service provider interfaces and useful base implementations. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.spi.common.admin | Common concepts for dealing with protocols and CDO administration-specific I/O. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.spi.common.branch | Common service provider interfaces and useful base implementations for dealing with branches. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.spi.common.commit | Common service provider interfaces and useful base implementations for dealing with commits and change sets. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.spi.common.id | Common service provider interfaces and useful base implementations for dealing with object and revision IDs. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.spi.common.lock | Common service provider interfaces and useful base implementations for dealing with object locks. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.spi.common.model | Common service provider interfaces and useful base implementations for dealing with models and types |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.spi.common.revision | Common service provider interfaces and useful base implementations for dealing with revisions and deltas. |
CDO Model Repository Security | |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.security | The generated EMF API of the CDO security model. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.security.impl | The generated EMF implementation of the CDO security model. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.security.util | The generated EMF utilities of the CDO security model. |
CDO Model Repository Security Edit Support | |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.security.provider | The generated EMF edit support of the CDO security model. |
CDO Model Repository Server | |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server | Server concepts for dealing with repositories and stores. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.embedded | Server concepts for dealing with embedded sessions. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.mem | Server concepts for dealing with in-memory stores. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.spi.server | Server service provider interfaces and useful base implementations. |
CDO Model Repository Server Admin Support | |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.admin | Server side of the protocol to administer CDO repositories remotely. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.spi.admin | Server provider interfaces (SPI) for the protocol to administer CDO repositories remotely. |
CDO Model Repository Server DB4O Support | |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.db4o | Server concepts for dealing with DB4O stores and accessors. |
CDO Model Repository Server Hibernate Support | |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.hibernate | Server concepts for dealing with Hibernate stores and accessors. |
CDO Model Repository Server JDBC Support | |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.db | Server concepts for dealing with DB stores and accessors. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.db.mapping | Server concepts for dealing with mapping strategies and mappings for classes, lists and types. |
CDO Model Repository Server MongoDB Support | |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.mongodb | Server concepts for dealing with MongoDB stores and accessors. |
CDO Model Repository Server Net4j Support | |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.net4j | Server concepts for dealing with Net4j-based repositories and fail-over infrastructure. |
CDO Model Repository Server OCL Support | |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.ocl | Server implementation of a generic OCL query handler. |
CDO Model Repository Server Objectivity Support | |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.objectivity | Server concepts for dealing with Objectivity/DB stores and accessors. |
CDO Model Repository Server Security Support | |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.security | Server integration of the Security model. |
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.spi.security | Server provider interfaces (SPI) for the server integration of the Security model. |
CDO is both a development-time model repository and a run-time persistence framework; being highly optimized it supports object graphs of arbitrary size.
CDO offers transactions with save points, explicit locking, change notification, remote queries, temporality, branching, merging, offline and fail-over modes. The storage back-end is pluggable and migrations between direct JDBC, Hibernate, Objectivity/DB, MongoDB or DB4O are seamless for CDO applications.