Uses of Interface

Packages that use TypedElement
org.eclipse.ocl Definition of the extensible environment API for OCL parsing and evaluation. 
org.eclipse.ocl.ecore.util Generated utilities for working with instances the Ecore binding of the Types package of the OCL Abstract Syntax. 
org.eclipse.ocl.expressions Specification of the Expressions package of the Object Constraint Lanuage version 2.0 Abstract Syntax model. 
org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.impl Implementation of the Expressions package of the Object Constraint Lanuage version 2.0 Abstract Syntax model. 
org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.util Generated utilities for working with instances the Expressions model. 
org.eclipse.ocl.types.impl Implementation of the Types package of the Object Constraint Lanuage version 2.0 Abstract Syntax model. 
org.eclipse.ocl.uml.util Miscellaneous utilities in support of the UML environment for OCL. 
org.eclipse.ocl.util Miscellaneous utilities in support of the OCL parser and environment implementations. 
org.eclipse.ocl.utilities Abstract API for OCL AST utilities and extensions of the UML metamodel. 
org.eclipse.ocl.utilities.util Generated utilities for working with instances the OCL utilities package. 

Uses of TypedElement in org.eclipse.ocl

Method parameters in org.eclipse.ocl with type arguments of type TypedElement
 O AbstractTypeChecker.findOperationMatching(C owner, java.lang.String name, java.util.List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
 O TypeChecker.findOperationMatching(C owner, java.lang.String name, java.util.List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
          Finds an operation by signature in the specified classifier.
 C AbstractTypeChecker.findSignalMatching(C receiver, java.util.List<C> signals, java.lang.String name, java.util.List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
 C TypeChecker.findSignalMatching(C receiver, java.util.List<C> signals, java.lang.String name, java.util.List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
          Find a matching signal in the specified list.
 C AbstractTypeChecker.getResultType(java.lang.Object problemObject, C owner, O operation, java.util.List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
 C TypeChecker.getResultType(java.lang.Object problemObject, C owner, O operation, java.util.List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
          Obtains the effective result type of the specified operation, which may or may not have parameters type by generic type variables.
 Variable<C,PM> AbstractEnvironment.lookupImplicitSourceForOperation(java.lang.String name, java.util.List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
 Variable<C,PM> Environment.lookupImplicitSourceForOperation(java.lang.String name, java.util.List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
          Return an implicit variable declaration that defines the specified operation signature.
 Variable<C,PM> AbstractEnvironment.lookupImplicitSourceForSignal(java.lang.String name, java.util.List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
 Variable<C,PM> Environment.lookupImplicitSourceForSignal(java.lang.String name, java.util.List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
          Return an implicit variable declaration that defines the specified signal reception signature.
 O AbstractEnvironment.lookupOperation(C owner, java.lang.String name, java.util.List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
 O Environment.lookupOperation(C owner, java.lang.String name, java.util.List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
          Find an operation in the specified class.
 C AbstractEnvironment.lookupSignal(C owner, java.lang.String name, java.util.List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
 C Environment.lookupSignal(C owner, java.lang.String name, java.util.List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
          Finds a received signal in the specified classifier.
 boolean AbstractTypeChecker.matchArgs(C owner, java.util.List<?> paramsOrProperties, java.util.List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
 boolean TypeChecker.matchArgs(C owner, java.util.List<?> paramsOrProperties, java.util.List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
          Compares an actual argument list against the signature of an operation or a signal.
 O AbstractEnvironment.tryLookupOperation(C owner, java.lang.String name, java.util.List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
          This default implementation simply delegates to the Environment.lookupOperation(Object, String, List) method.
 O Environment.Lookup.tryLookupOperation(C owner, java.lang.String name, java.util.List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
          Find an operation in the specified class.
 C AbstractEnvironment.tryLookupSignal(C owner, java.lang.String name, java.util.List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
          This default implementation simply delegates to the Environment.lookupSignal(Object, String, List) method.
 C Environment.Lookup.tryLookupSignal(C owner, java.lang.String name, java.util.List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
          Finds a received signal in the specified classifier.

Uses of TypedElement in org.eclipse.ocl.ecore.util

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.ecore.util with parameters of type TypedElement
<C> T
EcoreSwitch.caseTypedElement(TypedElement<C> object)
          Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of 'Typed Element'

Uses of TypedElement in org.eclipse.ocl.expressions

Subinterfaces of TypedElement in org.eclipse.ocl.expressions
 interface AssociationClassCallExp<C,P>
          A representation of the model object 'Association Class Call Exp'
 interface BooleanLiteralExp<C>
          A representation of the model object 'Boolean Literal Exp'
 interface CallExp<C>
          A representation of the model object 'Call Exp'
 interface CollectionItem<C>
          A representation of the model object 'Collection Item'
 interface CollectionLiteralExp<C>
          A representation of the model object 'Collection Literal Exp'
 interface CollectionLiteralPart<C>
          A representation of the model object 'Collection Literal Part'
 interface CollectionRange<C>
          A representation of the model object 'Collection Range'
 interface EnumLiteralExp<C,EL>
          A representation of the model object 'Enum Literal Exp'
 interface FeatureCallExp<C>
          A representation of the model object 'Feature Call Exp'
 interface IfExp<C>
          A representation of the model object 'If Exp'
 interface IntegerLiteralExp<C>
          A representation of the model object 'Integer Literal Exp'
 interface InvalidLiteralExp<C>
          A representation of the model object 'Invalid Literal Exp'
 interface IterateExp<C,PM>
          A representation of the model object 'Iterate Exp'
 interface IteratorExp<C,PM>
          A representation of the model object 'Iterator Exp'
 interface LetExp<C,PM>
          A representation of the model object 'Let Exp'
 interface LiteralExp<C>
          A representation of the model object 'Literal Exp'
 interface LoopExp<C,PM>
          A representation of the model object 'Loop Exp'
 interface MessageExp<C,COA,SSA>
          A representation of the model object 'Message Exp'
 interface NavigationCallExp<C,P>
          A representation of the model object 'Navigation Call Exp'
 interface NullLiteralExp<C>
          A representation of the model object 'Null Literal Exp'
 interface NumericLiteralExp<C>
          A representation of the model object 'Numeric Literal Exp'
 interface OCLExpression<C>
          A representation of the model object 'OCL Expression'
 interface OperationCallExp<C,O>
          A representation of the model object 'Operation Call Exp'
 interface PrimitiveLiteralExp<C>
          A representation of the model object 'Primitive Literal Exp'
 interface PropertyCallExp<C,P>
          A representation of the model object 'Property Call Exp'
 interface RealLiteralExp<C>
          A representation of the model object 'Real Literal Exp'
 interface StateExp<C,S>
          A representation of the model object 'State Exp'
 interface StringLiteralExp<C>
          A representation of the model object 'String Literal Exp'
 interface TupleLiteralExp<C,P>
          A representation of the model object 'Tuple Literal Exp'
 interface TupleLiteralPart<C,P>
          A representation of the model object 'Tuple Literal Part'
 interface TypeExp<C>
          A representation of the model object 'Type Exp'
 interface UnlimitedNaturalLiteralExp<C>
          A representation of the model object 'Unlimited Natural Literal Exp'
 interface UnspecifiedValueExp<C>
          A representation of the model object 'Unspecified Value Exp'
 interface Variable<C,PM>
          A representation of the model object 'Variable'
 interface VariableExp<C,PM>
          A representation of the model object 'Variable Exp'

Uses of TypedElement in org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.impl

Classes in org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.impl that implement TypedElement
 class AssociationClassCallExpImpl<C,P>
          An implementation of the model object 'Association Class Call Exp'
 class BooleanLiteralExpImpl<C>
          An implementation of the model object 'Boolean Literal Exp'
 class CallExpImpl<C>
          An implementation of the model object 'Call Exp'
 class CollectionItemImpl<C>
          An implementation of the model object 'Collection Item'
 class CollectionLiteralExpImpl<C>
          An implementation of the model object 'Collection Literal Exp'
 class CollectionLiteralPartImpl<C>
          An implementation of the model object 'Collection Literal Part'
 class CollectionRangeImpl<C>
          An implementation of the model object 'Collection Range'
 class EnumLiteralExpImpl<C,EL>
          An implementation of the model object 'Enum Literal Exp'
 class FeatureCallExpImpl<C>
          An implementation of the model object 'Feature Call Exp'
 class IfExpImpl<C>
          An implementation of the model object 'If Exp'
 class IntegerLiteralExpImpl<C>
          An implementation of the model object 'Integer Literal Exp'
 class InvalidLiteralExpImpl<C>
          An implementation of the model object 'Invalid Literal Exp'
 class IterateExpImpl<C,PM>
          An implementation of the model object 'Iterate Exp'
 class IteratorExpImpl<C,PM>
          An implementation of the model object 'Iterator Exp'
 class LetExpImpl<C,PM>
          An implementation of the model object 'Let Exp'
 class LiteralExpImpl<C>
          An implementation of the model object 'Literal Exp'
 class LoopExpImpl<C,PM>
          An implementation of the model object 'Loop Exp'
 class MessageExpImpl<C,COA,SSA>
          An implementation of the model object 'Message Exp'
 class NavigationCallExpImpl<C,P>
          An implementation of the model object 'Navigation Call Exp'
 class NullLiteralExpImpl<C>
          An implementation of the model object 'Null Literal Exp'
 class NumericLiteralExpImpl<C>
          An implementation of the model object 'Numeric Literal Exp'
 class OCLExpressionImpl<C>
          An implementation of the model object 'OCL Expression'
 class OperationCallExpImpl<C,O>
          An implementation of the model object 'Operation Call Exp'
 class PrimitiveLiteralExpImpl<C>
          An implementation of the model object 'Primitive Literal Exp'
 class PropertyCallExpImpl<C,P>
          An implementation of the model object 'Property Call Exp'
 class RealLiteralExpImpl<C>
          An implementation of the model object 'Real Literal Exp'
 class StateExpImpl<C,S>
          An implementation of the model object 'State Exp'
 class StringLiteralExpImpl<C>
          An implementation of the model object 'String Literal Exp'
 class TupleLiteralExpImpl<C,P>
          An implementation of the model object 'Tuple Literal Exp'
 class TupleLiteralPartImpl<C,P>
          An implementation of the model object 'Tuple Literal Part'
 class TypeExpImpl<C>
          An implementation of the model object 'Type Exp'
 class UnlimitedNaturalLiteralExpImpl<C>
          An implementation of the model object 'Unlimited Natural Literal Exp'
 class UnspecifiedValueExpImpl<C>
          An implementation of the model object 'Unspecified Value Exp'
 class VariableExpImpl<C,PM>
          An implementation of the model object 'Variable Exp'
 class VariableImpl<C,PM>
          An implementation of the model object 'Variable'

Uses of TypedElement in org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.util

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.expressions.util with parameters of type TypedElement
<C> T
ExpressionsSwitch.caseTypedElement(TypedElement<C> object)
          Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of 'Typed Element'

Uses of TypedElement in org.eclipse.ocl.parser

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.parser with parameters of type TypedElement
protected  boolean OCLAnalyzer.isErrorNode(TypedElement<C> expr)
protected  boolean AbstractOCLAnalyzer.isErrorNode(TypedElement<C> expr)
           Queries whether the specified expression is a placeholder that was created for an expression that failed to parse.
protected  void OCLAnalyzer.markAsErrorNode(TypedElement<C> expr)
protected  void AbstractOCLAnalyzer.markAsErrorNode(TypedElement<C> expr)
           Marks the specified (sub)expression as a placeholder for an expression that could not be parsed.

Method parameters in org.eclipse.ocl.parser with type arguments of type TypedElement
protected  O AbstractOCLAnalyzer.lookupOperation(CSTNode cstNode, Environment<PK,C,O,P,EL,PM,S,COA,SSA,CT,CLS,E> env, C owner, java.lang.String name, java.util.List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
protected  C AbstractOCLAnalyzer.lookupSignal(CSTNode cstNode, Environment<PK,C,O,P,EL,PM,S,COA,SSA,CT,CLS,E> env, C owner, java.lang.String name, java.util.List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
protected  java.lang.String AbstractOCLAnalyzer.operationString(Environment<PK,C,O,P,EL,PM,S,COA,SSA,CT,CLS,E> env, java.lang.String operName, java.util.List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
          Constructs the string representation of an operation call.

Uses of TypedElement in org.eclipse.ocl.types.impl

Method parameters in org.eclipse.ocl.types.impl with type arguments of type TypedElement
<C,O,P> TupleType<O,P>
TypesFactoryImpl.createTupleType(java.util.List<? extends TypedElement<C>> parts)

Uses of TypedElement in org.eclipse.ocl.uml.util

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.uml.util with parameters of type TypedElement
<C> T
UMLSwitch.caseUtilities_TypedElement(TypedElement<C> object)
          Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of 'Typed Element'

Uses of TypedElement in org.eclipse.ocl.util

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.util with parameters of type TypedElement
ToStringVisitor.getInstance(TypedElement<C> element)
          Obtains an instance of the toString() visitor for the specified expression or other typed element.

Method parameters in org.eclipse.ocl.util with type arguments of type TypedElement
TypeUtil.findOperationMatching(Environment<PK,C,O,P,EL,PM,S,COA,SSA,CT,CLS,E> env, C owner, java.lang.String name, java.util.List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
          Finds the most specific (re)definition of an operation by signature in the specified classifier.
TypeUtil.findSignalMatching(Environment<PK,C,O,P,EL,PM,S,COA,SSA,CT,CLS,E> env, C receiver, java.util.List<C> signals, java.lang.String name, java.util.List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
          Find a matching signal in the specified list.
TypeUtil.getResultType(java.lang.Object problemObject, Environment<PK,C,O,P,EL,PM,S,COA,SSA,CT,CLS,E> env, C owner, O operation, java.util.List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
          Obtains the effective result type of the specified operation, which may or may not have parameters type by generic type variables.
OCLStandardLibraryUtil.getResultTypeOf(Environment<PK,C,O,P,EL,PM,ST,COA,SSA,CT,CLS,E> env, C sourceType, int opcode, java.util.List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
          Deprecated. Use the OCLStandardLibraryUtil.getResultTypeOf(Object, Environment, Object, int, List) method, instead, which doesn't fail on the first problem
OCLStandardLibraryUtil.getResultTypeOf(java.lang.Object problemObject, Environment<PK,C,O,P,EL,PM,ST,COA,SSA,CT,CLS,E> env, C sourceType, int opcode, java.util.List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
          Obtains the result type of the specified operation from the OCL Standard Library.
TypeUtil.matchArgs(Environment<PK,C,O,P,EL,PM,S,COA,SSA,CT,CLS,E> env, C owner, java.util.List<?> paramsOrProperties, java.util.List<? extends TypedElement<C>> args)
          Compares an actual argument list against the signature of an operation or a signal.

Uses of TypedElement in org.eclipse.ocl.utilities

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.utilities with parameters of type TypedElement
 void UMLReflection.setName(TypedElement<C> element, java.lang.String name)
          Sets the name of the specified typed element.
 void UMLReflection.setType(TypedElement<C> element, C type)
          Sets the type of the specified typed element.

Method parameters in org.eclipse.ocl.utilities with type arguments of type TypedElement
<C,O,P> TupleType<O,P>
OCLFactory.createTupleType(java.util.List<? extends TypedElement<C>> parts)
          Creates a tuple type based on tthe specified part descriptions.

Uses of TypedElement in org.eclipse.ocl.utilities.util

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.utilities.util with parameters of type TypedElement
<C> T1
UtilitiesSwitch.caseTypedElement(TypedElement<C> object)
          Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of 'Typed Element'

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