Interface IWeightedTreeGroupDescriptor

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AllGroupDescriptor, CallStackGroupDescriptor, DepthGroupDescriptor

public interface IWeightedTreeGroupDescriptor
This interface describes a group for elements in a weighted tree structure. If the elements in the IWeightedTreeSet implement the ITree interface, then the IWeightedTreeProvider can provide group descriptors to describe each level of elements. Example: If the trees represent a callstack for threads that can be grouped and the trace also provide some other stackable application component, grouping of elements can be done in different ways: A possible group hierarchy would be the following:
  Per PID:
  With additional component information:
       [application component]
In the first case, there would be 2 groups, and in the second 3 groups. This allows to give human-readable names to groups that are otherwise simply levels in a tree hierarchy.
Geneviève Bastien
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Get the human-readable name for this group descriptor
    Get the group descriptor at the next level.
  • Method Details

    • getNextGroup

      @Nullable IWeightedTreeGroupDescriptor getNextGroup()
      Get the group descriptor at the next level.
      The next group or null if this is a leaf level
    • getName

      String getName()
      Get the human-readable name for this group descriptor
      The name of this group descriptor