Eclipse Platform

Uses of Class

Packages that use CoreException
org.eclipse.ant.core Provides support for running the Ant build tool in the platform. Provides support for performing structural and textual compare operations on arbitrary data and displaying the results. Support for compare and merge viewers which show the content side-by-side. 
org.eclipse.core.resources Provides basic support for managing a workspace and its resources. 
org.eclipse.core.runtime Provides core support for plug-ins and the plug-in registry. 
org.eclipse.debug.core Provides support for launching programs, breakpoint management, expression management, and debug events. 
org.eclipse.debug.core.model Defines interfaces for a debug model elements, source lookup, and launching. Provides interfaces that need to be implemented by web browser adapters.  Also contains an implementation of IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate for opening a URL in a browser. Application programming interfaces for defining and working with repository providers. 
org.eclipse.ui Application programming interfaces for interaction with and extension of the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.actions Classes for actions and operations used in a workbench window, page, or part in the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.dialogs Classes for standard dialogs, wizards, and preference pages in the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.editors.text Provides a standard text editor and a file-based document provider. 
org.eclipse.ui.part Classes for the creation of workbench parts that integrate with the Eclipse Platform User Interface. 
org.eclipse.ui.plugin Class hierarchies for plug-ins that integrate with the Eclipse Platform UI. 
org.eclipse.ui.texteditor Provides a framework for text editors obeying to the desktop rules. 
org.eclipse.update.core Provides support for extending the base installation and update services. 
org.eclipse.update.core.model Provides model support for extending the base installation and update services. 

Uses of CoreException in org.eclipse.ant.core

Methods in org.eclipse.ant.core that throw CoreException
 void monitor)
          Runs the build script.
          Runs the build script.
 void AntCorePlugin.startup()
 void AntCorePlugin.shutdown()

Uses of CoreException in

Methods in that throw CoreException
 InputStream ResourceNode.getContents()
protected  InputStream ResourceNode.createStream()
          Returns an open stream if the corresponding resource implements the IStorage interface.
 InputStream IStreamContentAccessor.getContents()
          Returns an open InputStream for this object which can be used to retrieve the object's content.
 InputStream HistoryItem.getContents()
 void CompareEditorInput.saveChanges(IProgressMonitor pm)
          Save any unsaved changes.
 InputStream BufferedContent.getContents()
protected abstract  InputStream BufferedContent.createStream()
          Creates and returns a stream for reading the contents.

Uses of CoreException in

Methods in that throw CoreException
 void pm)
          Save the viewers's content.

Uses of CoreException in org.eclipse.core.resources

Methods in org.eclipse.core.resources that throw CoreException
 void ResourcesPlugin.shutdown()
          This implementation of the corresponding Plugin method closes the workspace (without saving).
 void ResourcesPlugin.startup()
          This implementation of the corresponding Plugin method opens the workspace.
protected abstract  IProject[] kind, Map args, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Runs this builder on the given changes in the specified manner.
 void IncrementalProjectBuilder.setInitializationData(IConfigurationElement config, String propertyName, Object data)
          Sets initialization data for this builder.
 void monitor)
          Runs the operation reporting progress to and accepting cancellation requests from the given progress monitor.
 void IWorkspaceRoot.delete(boolean deleteContent, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deletes everything in the workspace except the workspace root resource itself.
 ISavedState IWorkspace.addSaveParticipant(Plugin plugin, ISaveParticipant participant)
          Registers the given plug-in's workspace save participant, and returns an object describing the workspace state at the time of the last save in which the plug-in participated.
 void kind, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Builds all projects in this workspace.
 IStatus IWorkspace.copy(IResource[] resources, IPath destination, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Copies the given sibling resources so that they are located as members of the resource at the given path; the names of the copies are the same as the corresponding originals.
 IStatus IWorkspace.copy(IResource[] resources, IPath destination, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Copies the given sibling resources so that they are located as members of the resource at the given path; the names of the copies are the same as the corresponding originals.
 IStatus IWorkspace.delete(IResource[] resources, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deletes the given resources.
 IStatus IWorkspace.delete(IResource[] resources, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deletes the given resources.
 void IWorkspace.deleteMarkers(IMarker[] markers)
          Removes the given markers from the resources with which they are associated.
 IProjectDescription IWorkspace.loadProjectDescription(IPath projectDescriptionFile)
          Reads the project description file (".project") from the given location in the local file system.
 IStatus IWorkspace.move(IResource[] resources, IPath destination, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Moves the given sibling resources so that they are located as members of the resource at the given path; the names of the new members are the same.
 IStatus IWorkspace.move(IResource[] resources, IPath destination, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Moves the given sibling resources so that they are located as members of the resource at the given path; the names of the new members are the same.
 void action, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Runs the given action as an atomic workspace operation.
 IStatus full, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Saves this workspace's valuable state on disk.
 void IWorkspace.setDescription(IWorkspaceDescription description)
          Sets the workspace description.
 void ISynchronizer.accept(QualifiedName partner, IResource start, IResourceVisitor visitor, int depth)
          Visits the given resource and its descendents with the specified visitor if sync information for the given sync partner is found on the resource.
 void ISynchronizer.flushSyncInfo(QualifiedName partner, IResource resource, int depth)
          Discards the named partner's synchronization information associated with the specified resource and its descendents to the specified depth.
 byte[] ISynchronizer.getSyncInfo(QualifiedName partner, IResource resource)
          Returns the named sync partner's synchronization information for the given resource.
 void ISynchronizer.setSyncInfo(QualifiedName partner, IResource resource, byte[] info)
          Sets the named sync partner's synchronization information for the given resource.
 InputStream IStorage.getContents()
          Returns an open input stream on the contents of this storage.
 void ISaveParticipant.prepareToSave(ISaveContext context)
          Tells this participant that the workspace is about to be saved.
 void ISaveParticipant.saving(ISaveContext context)
          Tells this participant to save its important state because the workspace is being saved, as described in the supplied save context.
 boolean IResourceVisitor.visit(IResource resource)
          Visits the given resource.
 boolean IResourceDeltaVisitor.visit(IResourceDelta delta)
          Visits the given resource delta.
 void IResourceDelta.accept(IResourceDeltaVisitor visitor)
          Accepts the given visitor.
 void IResourceDelta.accept(IResourceDeltaVisitor visitor, boolean includePhantoms)
          Accepts the given visitor.
 void IResourceDelta.accept(IResourceDeltaVisitor visitor, int memberFlags)
          Accepts the given visitor.
 void IResource.accept(IResourceVisitor visitor)
          Accepts the given visitor.
 void IResource.accept(IResourceVisitor visitor, int depth, boolean includePhantoms)
          Accepts the given visitor.
 void IResource.accept(IResourceVisitor visitor, int depth, int memberFlags)
          Accepts the given visitor.
 void IResource.clearHistory(IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Removes the local history of this resource and its descendants.
 void IResource.copy(IProjectDescription description, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Makes a copy of this project using the given project description.
 void IResource.copy(IPath destination, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Makes a copy of this resource at the given path.
 void IResource.copy(IProjectDescription description, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Makes a copy of this project using the given project description.
 void IResource.copy(IPath destination, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Makes a copy of this resource at the given path.
 IMarker IResource.createMarker(String type)
          Creates and returns the marker with the specified type on this resource.
 void IResource.delete(boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deletes this resource from the workspace.
 void IResource.delete(int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deletes this resource from the workspace.
 void IResource.deleteMarkers(String type, boolean includeSubtypes, int depth)
          Deletes all markers on this resource of the given type, and, optionally, deletes such markers from its children.
 IMarker IResource.findMarker(long id)
          Returns the marker with the specified id on this resource, Returns null if there is no matching marker.
 IMarker[] IResource.findMarkers(String type, boolean includeSubtypes, int depth)
          Returns all markers of the specified type on this resource, and, optionally, on its children.
 String IResource.getPersistentProperty(QualifiedName key)
          Returns the value of the persistent property of this resource identified by the given key, or null if this resource has no such property.
 Object IResource.getSessionProperty(QualifiedName key)
          Returns the value of the session property of this resource identified by the given key, or null if this resource has no such property.
 void IResource.move(IProjectDescription description, boolean force, boolean keepHistory, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Renames or relocates this project so that it is the project specified by the given project description.
 void IResource.move(IPath destination, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Moves this resource so that it is located at the given path.
 void IResource.move(IProjectDescription description, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Renames or relocates this project so that it is the project specified by the given project description.
 void IResource.move(IPath destination, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Moves this resource so that it is located at the given path.
 void IResource.refreshLocal(int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Refreshes the resource hierarchy from this resource and its children (to the specified depth) relative to the local file system.
 void IResource.setLocal(boolean flag, int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Set whether or not this resource and its members (to the specified depth) are expected to have their contents (and properties) available locally.
 void IResource.setPersistentProperty(QualifiedName key, String value)
          Sets the value of the persistent property of this resource identified by the given key.
 void IResource.setSessionProperty(QualifiedName key, Object value)
          Sets the value of the session property of this resource identified by the given key.
 void IResource.touch(IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Marks this resource as having changed even though its content may not have changed.
 void IResource.setDerived(boolean isDerived)
          Sets whether this resource subtree is marked as derived.
 void IResource.setTeamPrivateMember(boolean isTeamPrivate)
          Sets whether this resource subtree is a team private member of its parent container.
 void IProjectNature.configure()
          Configures this nature for its project.
 void IProjectNature.deconfigure()
          Deconfigures this nature for its project.
 void kind, String builderName, Map args, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Invokes the build method of the specified builder for this project.
 void kind, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Builds this project.
 void IProject.close(IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Closes this project.
 void IProject.create(IProjectDescription description, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates a new project resource in the workspace using the given project description.
 void IProject.create(IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates a new project resource in the workspace with files are the default location in the local file system.
 void IProject.delete(boolean deleteContent, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deletes this project from the workspace.
 IProjectDescription IProject.getDescription()
          Returns the description for this project.
 IProjectNature IProject.getNature(String natureId)
          Returns the specified project nature for this project or null if the project nature has not been added to this project.
 IProject[] IProject.getReferencedProjects()
          Returns the projects referenced by this project.
 boolean IProject.hasNature(String natureId)
          Returns whether the project nature specified by the given nature extension id has been added to this project.
 boolean IProject.isNatureEnabled(String natureId)
          Returns true if the project nature specified by the given nature extension id is enabled for this project, and false otherwise.
 void IProject.move(IProjectDescription description, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Renames this project so that it is located at the name in the given description.
 void monitor)
          Opens this project.
 void IProject.setDescription(IProjectDescription description, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Changes this project resource to match the given project description.
 void IProject.setDescription(IProjectDescription description, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Changes this project resource to match the given project description.
 void IMarker.delete()
          Deletes this marker from its associated resource.
 Object IMarker.getAttribute(String attributeName)
          Returns the attribute with the given name.
 Map IMarker.getAttributes()
          Returns a map with all the attributes for the marker.
 Object[] IMarker.getAttributes(String[] attributeNames)
          Returns the attributes with the given names.
 String IMarker.getType()
          Returns the type of this marker.
 boolean IMarker.isSubtypeOf(String superType)
          Returns whether the type of this marker is considered to be a subtype of the given marker type.
 void IMarker.setAttribute(String attributeName, int value)
          Sets the integer-valued attribute with the given name.
 void IMarker.setAttribute(String attributeName, Object value)
          Sets the attribute with the given name.
 void IMarker.setAttribute(String attributeName, boolean value)
          Sets the boolean-valued attribute with the given name.
 void IMarker.setAttributes(String[] attributeNames, Object[] values)
          Sets the given attribute key-value pairs on this marker.
 void IMarker.setAttributes(Map attributes)
          Sets the attributes for this marker to be the ones contained in the given table.
 void IFolder.create(boolean force, boolean local, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates a new folder resource as a member of this handle's parent resource.
 void IFolder.create(int updateFlags, boolean local, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates a new folder resource as a member of this handle's parent resource.
 void IFolder.delete(boolean force, boolean keepHistory, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deletes this resource from the workspace.
 void IFolder.move(IPath destination, boolean force, boolean keepHistory, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Moves this resource so that it is located at the given path.
 InputStream IFileState.getContents()
          Returns an open input stream on the contents of this file state.
 void IFile.appendContents(InputStream source, boolean force, boolean keepHistory, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Appends the entire contents of the given stream to this file.
 void IFile.appendContents(InputStream source, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Appends the entire contents of the given stream to this file.
 void IFile.create(InputStream source, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates a new file resource as a member of this handle's parent resource.
 void IFile.create(InputStream source, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates a new file resource as a member of this handle's parent resource.
 void IFile.delete(boolean force, boolean keepHistory, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deletes this file from the workspace.
 InputStream IFile.getContents()
          Returns an open input stream on the contents of this file.
 InputStream IFile.getContents(boolean force)
          This refinement of the corresponding IStorage method returns an open input stream on the contents of this file.
 int IFile.getEncoding()
          Returns a constant identifying the character encoding of this file, or ENCODING_UNKNOWN if it could not be determined.
 IFileState[] IFile.getHistory(IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns a list of past states of this file known to this workspace.
 void IFile.move(IPath destination, boolean force, boolean keepHistory, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Moves this resource to be at the given location.
 void IFile.setContents(InputStream source, boolean force, boolean keepHistory, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Sets the contents of this file to the bytes in the given input stream.
 void IFile.setContents(IFileState source, boolean force, boolean keepHistory, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Sets the contents of this file to the bytes in the given file state.
 void IFile.setContents(InputStream source, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Sets the contents of this file to the bytes in the given input stream.
 void IFile.setContents(IFileState source, int updateFlags, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Sets the contents of this file to the bytes in the given file state.
 IResource[] IContainer.members()
          Returns a list of existing member resources (projects, folders and files) in this resource, in no particular order.
 IResource[] IContainer.members(boolean includePhantoms)
          Returns a list of all member resources (projects, folders and files) in this resource, in no particular order.
 IResource[] IContainer.members(int memberFlags)
          Returns a list of all member resources (projects, folders and files) in this resource, in no particular order.
 IFile[] IContainer.findDeletedMembersWithHistory(int depth, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns a list of recently deleted files inside this container that are have one or more saved states in the local history.

Constructors in org.eclipse.core.resources that throw CoreException
WorkspaceLock(IWorkspace workspace)
          Returns a new workspace lock.

Uses of CoreException in org.eclipse.core.runtime

Methods in org.eclipse.core.runtime that throw CoreException
static void Preferences.exportPreferences(IPath file)
          Exports all non-default-valued preferences for all installed plugins to the provided file.
static void Preferences.importPreferences(IPath file)
          Loads the plugin preferences from the given file, and replaces all non-default-valued preferences for all plugins with the values from this file.
 void Plugin.shutdown()
          Shuts down this plug-in and discards all plug-in state.
 void Plugin.startup()
          Starts up this plug-in.
static void Platform.addAuthorizationInfo(URL serverUrl, String realm, String authScheme, Map info)
          Adds the given authorization information to the keyring.
static void Platform.addProtectionSpace(URL resourceUrl, String realm)
          Adds the specified resource to the protection space specified by the given realm.
static void Platform.flushAuthorizationInfo(URL serverUrl, String realm, String authScheme)
          Removes the authorization information for the specified protection space and given authorization scheme.
 Plugin IPluginDescriptor.getPlugin()
          Returns the plug-in runtime object corresponding to this plug-in descriptor.
 void IExecutableExtension.setInitializationData(IConfigurationElement config, String propertyName, Object data)
          This method is called by the implementation of the method IConfigurationElement.createExecutableExtension on a newly constructed extension, passing it its relevant configuration information.
 Object IConfigurationElement.createExecutableExtension(String propertyName)
          Creates and returns a new instance of the executable extension identified by the named attribute of this configuration element.

Uses of CoreException in org.eclipse.debug.core

Subclasses of CoreException in org.eclipse.debug.core
 class DebugException
          A checked exception representing a failure.

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.core that throw CoreException
 Object IStatusHandler.handleStatus(IStatus status, Object source)
          Notifies this status handler that the given status has been generated by the specified source object and requires resolution.
 ILaunchConfiguration[] ILaunchManager.getLaunchConfigurations()
          Returns all launch configurations defined in the workspace.
 ILaunchConfiguration[] ILaunchManager.getLaunchConfigurations(ILaunchConfigurationType type)
          Returns all launch configurations of the specified type defined in the workspace
 ILaunchConfiguration ILaunchManager.getLaunchConfiguration(String memento)
          Returns a handle to the launch configuration specified by the given memento.
 boolean ILaunchManager.isExistingLaunchConfigurationName(String name)
          Return true if there is a launch configuration with the specified name, false otherwise.
 IPersistableSourceLocator ILaunchManager.newSourceLocator(String identifier)
          Creates and returns a new source locator of the specified type.
 ILaunchConfiguration ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy.doSave()
          Saves this working copy to its underlying file and returns a handle to the resulting launch configuration.
 ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy ILaunchConfigurationType.newInstance(IContainer container, String name)
          Returns a new launch configuration working copy of this type, that resides in the specified container, with the given name.
 ILaunchConfigurationDelegate ILaunchConfigurationType.getDelegate()
          Returns the launch configuration delegate for launch configurations of this type.
 ILaunch ILaunchConfiguration.launch(String mode, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Launches this configuration in the specified mode by delegating to this configuration's launch configuration delegate, and returns the resulting launch.
 boolean ILaunchConfiguration.supportsMode(String mode)
          Returns whether this launch configuration supports the specified mode.
 int ILaunchConfiguration.getAttribute(String attributeName, int defaultValue)
          Returns the integer-valued attribute with the given name.
 String ILaunchConfiguration.getAttribute(String attributeName, String defaultValue)
          Returns the string-valued attribute with the given name.
 boolean ILaunchConfiguration.getAttribute(String attributeName, boolean defaultValue)
          Returns the boolean-valued attribute with the given name.
 List ILaunchConfiguration.getAttribute(String attributeName, List defaultValue)
          Returns the java.util.List-valued attribute with the given name.
 Map ILaunchConfiguration.getAttribute(String attributeName, Map defaultValue)
          Returns the java.util.Map-valued attribute with the given name.
 ILaunchConfigurationType ILaunchConfiguration.getType()
          Returns the type of this launch configuration.
 ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy ILaunchConfiguration.getWorkingCopy()
          Returns a working copy of this launch configuration.
 ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy ILaunchConfiguration.copy(String name)
          Returns a copy of this launch configuration, as a working copy, with the specified name.
 void ILaunchConfiguration.delete()
          Deletes this launch configuration.
 String ILaunchConfiguration.getMemento()
          Returns a memento for this launch configuration, or null if unable to generate a memento for this configuration.
 void IBreakpointManager.addBreakpoint(IBreakpoint breakpoint)
          Adds the given breakpoint to the collection of registered breakpoints in the workspace and notifies all registered listeners.
 void IBreakpointManager.removeBreakpoint(IBreakpoint breakpoint, boolean delete)
          Removes the given breakpoint from the breakpoint manager, deletes the marker associated with the breakpoint if the delete flag is true, and notifies all registered listeners.
 void DebugPlugin.shutdown()
          Shuts down this debug plug-in and discards all plug-in state.
 void DebugPlugin.startup()
          Starts up the debug plug-in.

Uses of CoreException in org.eclipse.debug.core.model

Methods in org.eclipse.debug.core.model that throw CoreException
 int LineBreakpoint.getLineNumber()
 int LineBreakpoint.getCharStart()
 int LineBreakpoint.getCharEnd()
 String IPersistableSourceLocator.getMemento()
          Returns a memento that can be used to reconstruct this source locator
 void IPersistableSourceLocator.initializeFromMemento(String memento)
          Initializes this source locator based on the given memento.
 void IPersistableSourceLocator.initializeDefaults(ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
          Initializes this source locator to perform default source lookup for the given launch configuration.
 int ILineBreakpoint.getLineNumber()
          Returns the line number in the original source that corresponds to the location of this breakpoint, or -1 if the attribute is not present.
 int ILineBreakpoint.getCharStart()
          Returns starting source index in the original source that corresponds to the location of this breakpoint, or -1 if the attribute is not present.
 int ILineBreakpoint.getCharEnd()
          Returns ending source index in the original source that corresponds to the location of this breakpoint, or -1 if the attribute is not present.
 void ILaunchConfigurationDelegate.launch(ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode, ILaunch launch, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Launches the given configuration in the specified mode, contributing debug targets and/or processes to the given launch object.
 void IBreakpoint.delete()
          Deletes this breakpoint's underlying marker, and removes this breakpoint from the breakpoint manager.
 void IBreakpoint.setMarker(IMarker marker)
          Sets the marker associated with this breakpoint.
 boolean IBreakpoint.isEnabled()
          Returns whether this breakpoint is enabled
 void IBreakpoint.setEnabled(boolean enabled)
          Sets the enabled state of this breakpoint.
 boolean IBreakpoint.isRegistered()
          Returns whether this breakpoint is currently registered with the breakpoint manager.
 void IBreakpoint.setRegistered(boolean registered)
          Sets whether this breakpoint is currently registered with the breakpoint manager.
 boolean IBreakpoint.isPersisted()
          Returns whether this breakpoint is to be persisted across workspace invocations, or when a project is closed and re-opened.
 void IBreakpoint.setPersisted(boolean registered)
          Sets whether this breakpoint is to be persisted across workspace invocations, or when a project is closed and re-opened.
 void Breakpoint.setMarker(IMarker marker)
 void Breakpoint.setEnabled(boolean enabled)
 boolean Breakpoint.isEnabled()
 boolean Breakpoint.isRegistered()
 void Breakpoint.setRegistered(boolean registered)
 void Breakpoint.delete()
 boolean Breakpoint.isPersisted()
 void Breakpoint.setPersisted(boolean persisted)
protected  void Breakpoint.setAttribute(String attributeName, boolean value)
          Convenience method to set the given boolean attribute of this breakpoint's underlying marker in a workspace runnable.
protected  void Breakpoint.setAttribute(String attributeName, int value)
          Convenience method to set the given integer attribute of this breakpoint's underlying marker in a workspace runnable.
protected  void Breakpoint.setAttribute(String attributeName, Object value)
          Convenience method to set the given attribute of this breakpoint's underlying marker in a workspace runnable.
protected  void Breakpoint.setAttributes(String[] attributeNames, Object[] values)
          Convenience method to set the given attributes of this breakpoint's underlying marker in a workspace runnable.
protected  void Breakpoint.setAttributes(Map attributes)
          Convenience method to set the attributes of this breakpoint's underlying marker in a workspace runnable.

Uses of CoreException in

Methods in that throw CoreException
 void LaunchURL.setInitializationData(IConfigurationElement config, String propertyName, Object data)

Uses of CoreException in

Methods in that throw CoreException
static void Team.startup()
          Initialize the registry, restoring its state.
abstract  void RepositoryProvider.configureProject()
          Configures the provider for the given project.
 void RepositoryProvider.configure()
          Configures the nature for the given project.

Uses of CoreException in org.eclipse.ui

Subclasses of CoreException in org.eclipse.ui
 class PartInitException
          A checked exception indicating a workbench part cannot be initialized correctly.
 class WorkbenchException
          A checked exception indicating a recoverable error occured internal to the workbench.

Methods in org.eclipse.ui that throw CoreException
 IStorage IStorageEditorInput.getStorage()
          Returns the underlying IStorage object.
 void IDecoratorManager.setEnabled(String decoratorId, boolean enabled)
          Sets whether the specified decorator is enabled.

Uses of CoreException in org.eclipse.ui.actions

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.actions that throw CoreException
protected abstract  void WorkspaceModifyOperation.execute(IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Performs the steps that are to be treated as a single logical workspace change.
protected  void WorkspaceModifyDelegatingOperation.execute(IProgressMonitor monitor)
protected  IProjectDescription CopyProjectAction.createDescription(IProject project, String projectName, IPath rootLocation)
          Create a new IProjectDescription for the copy using the name and path selected from the dialog.

Uses of CoreException in org.eclipse.ui.dialogs

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.dialogs that throw CoreException
protected  void WizardNewFolderMainPage.createFolder(IFolder folderHandle, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates a folder resource given the folder handle.
protected  void WizardNewFileCreationPage.createFile(IFile fileHandle, InputStream contents, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Creates a file resource given the file handle and contents.
 IContainer ContainerGenerator.generateContainer(IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Ensures that this generator's container resource exists.

Uses of CoreException in org.eclipse.ui.editors.text

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.editors.text that throw CoreException
protected  void TextEditor.doSetInput(IEditorInput input)
protected  void StorageDocumentProvider.setDocumentContent(IDocument document, InputStream contentStream)
          Deprecated. use encoding based version instead
protected  void StorageDocumentProvider.setDocumentContent(IDocument document, InputStream contentStream, String encoding)
          Intitializes the given document with the given stream using the given encoding.
protected  boolean StorageDocumentProvider.setDocumentContent(IDocument document, IEditorInput editorInput)
          Deprecated. use the encoding based version instead
protected  boolean StorageDocumentProvider.setDocumentContent(IDocument document, IEditorInput editorInput, String encoding)
          Intitializes the given document from the given editor input using the given character encoding.
protected  IAnnotationModel StorageDocumentProvider.createAnnotationModel(Object element)
protected  IDocument StorageDocumentProvider.createDocument(Object element)
protected  AbstractDocumentProvider.ElementInfo StorageDocumentProvider.createElementInfo(Object element)
protected  void StorageDocumentProvider.doSaveDocument(IProgressMonitor monitor, Object element, IDocument document, boolean overwrite)
protected  void StorageDocumentProvider.updateCache(IStorageEditorInput input)
          Updates the internal cache for the given input.
protected  void StorageDocumentProvider.doUpdateStateCache(Object element)
protected  boolean FileDocumentProvider.setDocumentContent(IDocument document, IEditorInput editorInput)
          Deprecated. use file encoding based version
protected  boolean FileDocumentProvider.setDocumentContent(IDocument document, IEditorInput editorInput, String encoding)
protected  IAnnotationModel FileDocumentProvider.createAnnotationModel(Object element)
protected  void FileDocumentProvider.checkSynchronizationState(long cachedModificationStamp, IResource resource)
          Checks whether the given resource has been changed on the local file system by comparing the actual time stamp with the cached one.
 void FileDocumentProvider.synchronize(Object element)
protected  void FileDocumentProvider.doSaveDocument(IProgressMonitor monitor, Object element, IDocument document, boolean overwrite)
protected  AbstractDocumentProvider.ElementInfo FileDocumentProvider.createElementInfo(Object element)
protected  void FileDocumentProvider.doValidateState(Object element, Object computationContext)
 void FileDocumentProvider.resetDocument(Object element)
 boolean FileDocumentProvider.FileSynchronizer.visit(IResourceDelta delta)

Uses of CoreException in org.eclipse.ui.part

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.part that throw CoreException
protected static IDropActionDelegate PluginDropAdapter.getPluginAdapter(PluginTransferData data)
          Loads the class that will perform the action associated with the given drop data.
 IStorage FileEditorInput.getStorage()

Uses of CoreException in org.eclipse.ui.plugin

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.plugin that throw CoreException
 void AbstractUIPlugin.startup()
          The AbstractUIPlugin implementation of this Plugin method refreshes the plug-in actions.
 void AbstractUIPlugin.shutdown()
          The AbstractUIPlugin implementation of this Plugin method saves this plug-in's preference and dialog stores and shuts down its image registry (if they are in use).

Uses of CoreException in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor

Methods in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor that throw CoreException
protected  void StatusTextEditor.doSetInput(IEditorInput input)
protected  void ResourceMarkerAnnotationModel.deleteMarkers(IMarker[] markers)
protected  IMarker[] ResourceMarkerAnnotationModel.retrieveMarkers()
static void MarkerUtilities.createMarker(IResource resource, Map attributes, String markerType)
          Creates a marker on the given resource with the given type and attributes.
 void IDocumentProviderExtension.validateState(Object element, Object computationContext)
          Validates the state of the given element.
 void IDocumentProviderExtension.updateStateCache(Object element)
          Updates the state cache for the given element.
 void IDocumentProviderExtension.synchronize(Object element)
          Synchronizes the document provided for the given element with the given element.
 void IDocumentProvider.connect(Object element)
          Connects the given element to this document provider.
 void IDocumentProvider.resetDocument(Object element)
          Resets the given element's document to its last saved state.
 void IDocumentProvider.saveDocument(IProgressMonitor monitor, Object element, IDocument document, boolean overwrite)
          Saves the given document provided for the given element.
protected  void AbstractTextEditor.doSetInput(IEditorInput input)
          Internal setInput method.
protected abstract  IMarker[] AbstractMarkerAnnotationModel.retrieveMarkers()
          Retrieves all markers from this model.
protected abstract  void AbstractMarkerAnnotationModel.deleteMarkers(IMarker[] markers)
          Deletes the given markers from this model.
 boolean AbstractMarkerAnnotationModel.updateMarker(IMarker marker, IDocument document, Position position)
          Updates the given marker according to the given position in the given document.
 void AbstractMarkerAnnotationModel.updateMarkers(IDocument document)
          Updates the markers managed by this annotation model by calling all registered marker updaters (IMarkerUpdater).
protected abstract  IDocument AbstractDocumentProvider.createDocument(Object element)
          Creates the document for the given element.
protected abstract  IAnnotationModel AbstractDocumentProvider.createAnnotationModel(Object element)
          Creates an annotation model for the given element.
protected abstract  void AbstractDocumentProvider.doSaveDocument(IProgressMonitor monitor, Object element, IDocument document, boolean overwrite)
          Performs the actual work of saving the given document provided for the given element.
protected  AbstractDocumentProvider.ElementInfo AbstractDocumentProvider.createElementInfo(Object element)
          Creates a new element info object for the given element.
 void AbstractDocumentProvider.connect(Object element)
 void AbstractDocumentProvider.resetDocument(Object element)
 void AbstractDocumentProvider.saveDocument(IProgressMonitor monitor, Object element, IDocument document, boolean overwrite)
protected  void AbstractDocumentProvider.doValidateState(Object element, Object computationContext)
          Hook method for validating the state of the given element.
 void AbstractDocumentProvider.validateState(Object element, Object computationContext)
protected  void AbstractDocumentProvider.doUpdateStateCache(Object element)
          Hook method for updating the state of the given element.
 void AbstractDocumentProvider.updateStateCache(Object element)
 void AbstractDocumentProvider.synchronize(Object element)

Uses of CoreException in org.eclipse.update.core

Methods in org.eclipse.update.core that throw CoreException
abstract  IVerificationResult Verifier.verify(IFeature feature, ContentReference reference, boolean isFeatureVerification, InstallMonitor monitor)
static ISite SiteManager.getSite(URL siteURL)
          Returns a site object for the site specified by the argument URL.
static org.eclipse.update.configuration.ILocalSite SiteManager.getLocalSite()
          Returns the "local site".
static void SiteManager.handleNewChanges()
          Trigger handling of newly discovered features.
 URL SiteContentProvider.getArchiveReference(String archiveID)
          Returns a URL for the identified archive.
 ISiteContentProvider Site.getSiteContentProvider()
          Returns the content provider for this site.
 IPluginEntry[] Site.getPluginEntriesOnlyReferencedBy(IFeature feature)
          Returns an array of entries corresponding to plug-ins that are installed on this site and are referenced only by the specified feature.
 IFeatureReference Site.install(IFeature sourceFeature, IVerificationListener verificationListener, IProgressMonitor progress)
          Install the specified feature on this site.
 IFeatureReference Site.install(IFeature sourceFeature, IFeatureContentConsumer parentContentConsumer, IVerifier parentVerifier, IVerificationListener verificationListener, IProgressMonitor progress)
          Install the specified feature on this site using the content consumer as a context to install the feature in.
 void Site.remove(IFeature feature, IProgressMonitor progress)
          Remove (uninstall) the specified feature from this site.
 IVerificationResult IVerifier.verify(IFeature feature, ContentReference reference, boolean isFeatureVerification, InstallMonitor monitor)
          Perform verification of the specified archive.
 ISite ISiteFactory.createSite(URL url)
          Returns a site defined by the supplied URL.
 URL ISiteContentProvider.getArchiveReference(String id)
          Returns a URL for the identified archive.
 ISiteContentProvider ISite.getSiteContentProvider()
          Returns the content provider for this site.
 IPluginEntry[] ISite.getPluginEntriesOnlyReferencedBy(IFeature feature)
          Returns an array of entries corresponding to plug-ins that are installed on this site and are referenced only by the specified feature.
 IFeatureReference ISite.install(IFeature feature, IVerificationListener verificationListener, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Installs the specified feature on this site.
 void ISite.remove(IFeature feature, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Removes (uninstalls) the specified feature from this site.
 void IInstallHandler.initialize(int type, IFeature feature, IInstallHandlerEntry entry, InstallMonitor monitor)
          Initialize the install handler.
 void IInstallHandler.installInitiated()
          Called at the start of the install action.
 void IInstallHandler.pluginsDownloaded(IPluginEntry[] plugins)
          Called after files corresponding to plug-in entries have been downloaded, but before they are actully unpacked and installed.
 void IInstallHandler.nonPluginDataDownloaded(INonPluginEntry[] nonPluginData, IVerificationListener listener)
          Called after files corresponding to non-plug-in entries have been downloaded.
 void IInstallHandler.completeInstall(IFeatureContentConsumer consumer)
          Called after the feature files and any downloaded plug-ins have been installed.
 void IInstallHandler.installCompleted(boolean success)
          Called at the end of the install action.
 void IInstallHandler.configureInitiated()
          Called at the start of the configure action
 void IInstallHandler.completeConfigure()
          Called after the feature has been configured.
 void IInstallHandler.configureCompleted(boolean success)
          Called at the end of the configure action.
 void IInstallHandler.unconfigureInitiated()
          Called at the start of the unconfigure action
 void IInstallHandler.completeUnconfigure()
          Called after the feature has been unconfigured.
 void IInstallHandler.unconfigureCompleted(boolean success)
          Called at the end of the unconfigure action.
 void IInstallHandler.uninstallInitiated()
          Called at the start of the uninstall action
 void IInstallHandler.completeUninstall()
          Called after the feature has been uninstalled.
 void IInstallHandler.uninstallCompleted(boolean success)
          Called at the end of the uninstall action.
 IFeature IFeatureReference.getFeature()
          Returns the referenced feature.
 VersionedIdentifier IFeatureReference.getVersionedIdentifier()
          Returns the feature identifier.
 void IFeatureReference.setURL(URL url)
          Sets the feature reference URL.
 IFeature IFeatureFactory.createFeature(URL url, ISite site)
          Returns a feature defined by the supplied URL.
 ContentReference IFeatureContentProvider.getFeatureManifestReference(InstallMonitor monitor)
          Returns a content reference to the feature manifest.
 ContentReference[] IFeatureContentProvider.getArchiveReferences(InstallMonitor monitor)
          Returns an array of content references of all the "packaged" archives that make up this feature.
 ContentReference[] IFeatureContentProvider.getFeatureEntryArchiveReferences(InstallMonitor monitor)
          Returns an array of content references of the "packaged" archives that contain the feature descriptive information.
 ContentReference[] IFeatureContentProvider.getPluginEntryArchiveReferences(IPluginEntry pluginEntry, InstallMonitor monitor)
          Returns an array of content references of the "packaged" archives that contain the files for the specified plug-in entry.
 ContentReference[] IFeatureContentProvider.getNonPluginEntryArchiveReferences(INonPluginEntry nonPluginEntry, InstallMonitor monitor)
          Returns an array of content references of the "packaged" archives that contain the files for the specified non-plug-in entry.
 ContentReference[] IFeatureContentProvider.getFeatureEntryContentReferences(InstallMonitor monitor)
          Returns an array of content references to the feature definition files (ie.
 ContentReference[] IFeatureContentProvider.getPluginEntryContentReferences(IPluginEntry pluginEntry, InstallMonitor monitor)
          Returns an array of content references to the files implementing the specified plug-in.
 IVerifier IFeatureContentProvider.getVerifier()
          Returns the verifier for this feature.
 void contentReference, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Store a feature file.
 IContentConsumer pluginEntry)
          Opens a generic content consumer for the specified plug-in entry.
 IContentConsumer nonPluginEntry)
          Opens a generic content consumer for the specified non-plug-in entry.
 IFeatureReference IFeatureContentConsumer.close()
          Closes this content consumer.
 void IFeatureContentConsumer.abort()
          Closes this content consumer, indicating the store operations should be aborted.
 void IFeatureContentConsumer.addChild(IFeature feature)
          Link the content consumer of the feature as a child content consumer
 IFeatureReference IFeature.install(IFeature targetFeature, IVerificationListener verificationListener, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Install the contents of this feature into the specified target feature.
 IFeatureReference[] IFeature.getIncludedFeatureReferences()
          Returns an array of feature references included by this feature
 IFeatureContentProvider IFeature.getFeatureContentProvider()
          Returns the content provider for this feature.
 IFeatureContentConsumer IFeature.getFeatureContentConsumer()
          Returns the content consumer for this feature.
 void IFeature.setSite(ISite site)
          Sets the site for this feature.
 void contentReference, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Stores a file.
 void IContentConsumer.close()
          Indicates successful completion of the store operations for this consumer
 IFeature FeatureReference.getFeature()
          Returns the feature this reference points to
 void FeatureReference.setURL(URL url)
          Sets the feature reference URL.
 VersionedIdentifier FeatureReference.getVersionedIdentifier()
          Returns the feature identifier.
 ContentReference FeatureContentProvider.asLocalReference(ContentReference ref, InstallMonitor monitor)
          Returns the specified reference as a local file system reference.
 File FeatureContentProvider.asLocalFile(ContentReference ref, InstallMonitor monitor)
          Returns the specified reference as a local file.
 IFeatureReference Feature.install(IFeature targetFeature, IVerificationListener verificationListener, IProgressMonitor progress)
          Install the contents of this feature into the specified target feature.
 IFeatureReference[] Feature.getIncludedFeatureReferences()
          Returns an array of feature references included by this feature
 IFeatureContentProvider Feature.getFeatureContentProvider()
          Returns the content provider for this feature.
 IFeatureContentConsumer Feature.getFeatureContentConsumer()
          Returns the content consumer for this feature.
 void Feature.setSite(ISite site)
          Sets the site for this feature.
abstract  ISite BaseSiteFactory.createSite(URL url)
          Create site.
 void BaseInstallHandler.initialize(int type, IFeature feature, IInstallHandlerEntry entry, InstallMonitor monitor)
          Initialize the install handler.
 void BaseInstallHandler.installInitiated()
          Called at the start of the install action.
 void BaseInstallHandler.pluginsDownloaded(IPluginEntry[] plugins)
          Called after files corresponding to plug-in entries have been downloaded, but before they are actully unpacked and installed.
 void BaseInstallHandler.nonPluginDataDownloaded(INonPluginEntry[] nonPluginData, IVerificationListener listener)
          Called after files corresponding to non-plug-in entries have been downloaded.
 void BaseInstallHandler.completeInstall(IFeatureContentConsumer consumer)
          Called after the feature files and any downloaded plug-ins have been installed.
 void BaseInstallHandler.installCompleted(boolean success)
          Called at the end of the install action.
 void BaseInstallHandler.configureInitiated()
          Called at the start of the configure action.
 void BaseInstallHandler.completeConfigure()
          Called after the feature has been configured.
 void BaseInstallHandler.configureCompleted(boolean success)
          Called at the end of the configure action.
 void BaseInstallHandler.unconfigureInitiated()
          Called at the start of the unconfigure action.
 void BaseInstallHandler.completeUnconfigure()
          Called after the feature has been unconfigured.
 void BaseInstallHandler.unconfigureCompleted(boolean success)
          Called at the end of the unconfigure action.
 void BaseInstallHandler.uninstallInitiated()
          Called at the start of the uninstall action.
 void BaseInstallHandler.completeUninstall()
          Called after the feature has been uninstalled.
 void BaseInstallHandler.uninstallCompleted(boolean success)
          Called at the end of the uninstall action.
abstract  IFeature BaseFeatureFactory.createFeature(URL url, ISite site)
          Create feature.
protected  ResourceBundle BaseFeatureFactory.getResourceBundle(URL url)
          Helper method to access resouce bundle for feature.

Uses of CoreException in org.eclipse.update.core.model

Subclasses of CoreException in org.eclipse.update.core.model
 class InstallAbortedException
          Exception thrown when the user cancelled an installation.

Methods in org.eclipse.update.core.model that throw CoreException
 SiteModel SiteModelFactory.parseSite(InputStream stream)
          Creates and populates a default site from stream.
 FeatureModel FeatureModelFactory.parseFeature(InputStream stream)
          Creates and populates a default feature from stream.

Eclipse Platform

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